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The Return of the Caravels Assignment Help

After reading The Return of the Caravels (Portuguese title As Naus, 1988), talk about some of the main issue(s)/topics of the book. Write at least two paragraphs.

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From The book of the Return of the Caravels is about the powerful indictment which have been exclusively to be part of the Portuguese colonialism and even holds a significant literary tour de force which has been beautifully penned down by the Antonio Lobo Antunes, "It has even included the living Portuguese writer" (Vogue) and it has been part of the Lisbon who have achieved Portugal's African colonies to be able to attain and gain their independence during the mid-1970s.

This has even concluded with the contemporary response that has captured about how there can be the Camoes's conquest and description of the 'The Lusiads', Antunes that includes the Vasco da Gama, It even includes the other heroes of Portuguese explorations that have extensively been able to capture the detritus of related to the given empire's collapse. This even holds how there can be the modern colonials - which would be included on the part of the mixed-race heritage and it would also include the given uneasy place that has been part of the "fatherland" - which has somehow include in the sixteenth-century Lisbon.

The other key observation about the book was about the da Gama that have initiated with the winning back ownership from the given Lisbon piece and has also included within the crooked card games. It has also been seen how there has been extended four hundred years that are part of the Portuguese history which have also included the caravels dock which has been placed on the Iraqi oil tankers, along with the slave trade rubs shoulders which were part of the duty-free shops. The book holds about the given Return of the Caravels that has also extensively been able to startle and even include the uncompromising look which has been notably been seen from Europe's great colonial powers, and how it would also be an era of conquest that has reshaped Portugal for global point (Seixo, 2018).

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