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A. In the Katavic and Butkovic (2016) reading, assess if the authors identified the internal strengths and weaknesses. 

B. According to Stakic, Zakic, and Jurcic (2015), how can the John Naisbitt University convert their (a) weaknesses into strengths, and (b) threats into opportunities? 

C. After reading the Gill (2016) article select at least 3 items regarding strengths and weaknesses for the energy firm. Synthesize your analysis and present to the class. 

D. Continuing with the Gill (2016) article select at least 3 items regarding opportunities and threats for the energy firm. Synthesize your analysis and present to the class. gives accountability of your time and Money – Avail TOP results originated Strategy & Planning Assignment Help solution services at best rates!

Question A

As per the authors Katavic and Butkovic (2016), in the paper the internal strengths and weaknesses have been identified. According to the scholars, MBA is the highest qualification for the world of business. The educational qualification helps in giving broad skills and knowledge, this helps the students to excel in the business process and can excel in the process of globalization. With the help of the degree, the globalization process can be adapted faster and without any extra effort. The authors have also explained the skills required to be good Manager (Katavic and Butkovic, 2016), according to them only being talented is not enough to be a good manager. However, there were various problems also which the authors, new methods of teachings needs to be identified, identified and new approach needs to be implemented to transfer knowledge, which can be, further adapted in the construction industries. The quality needed to improve the level of education has been discussed along with the problems faced by the employers and the authors have broadly discussed students.

Question B

Considering the paper of Stakic, Zakic, and Jurcic (2015), it has been discussed broadly about the importance of education. The authors have discussed how the society is changing with the impact of qualified teachers, proper system of education, and obviously good students to catch the teaching provided by the qualified teachers. John Naisbitt University can expand their internationalization policy and develop accordingly. The university has already collaborated with various national as well as foreign universities, and with that, the cultural differences can be neglected so that the circulation of scientific research in the process of education can be implemented (Stakic, Zakic, and Jurcic, 2015). The relationship between the countries can be improved with the help of exchange programs and cooperation of culture conducted by the Department of International Cooperation of the University. The John Naisbitt University can develop a network which is outstanding over the two hundred universities around the World. 

Question C

As per the article of Gill (2016), it was noted that one of the strength of the energy firms is excellent reach in the global field, so that globalization can be implemented in the firms. With the help of globalization, the business as well as resources can be expanded. Entering into the sector, which is, based on nuclear energy- with the help of this the energy firms can expand its resources and can produce more energy through the help of nuclear energy, as it is in very high demand in the recent years, expanding its operations to power generation, coal and chemicals. Considering the weakness the firm must avoid the legal issues as it can through a high impact on the reputation of the energy firm. Controversies related to spilling of oil are also a weakness of the energy firm (Gill, 2016). The management of the employee is another weakness factor as controversy or dispute among the employees has a direct effect on the productivity of the firm.

Question D

After reading the article of Gill (2016), the increasing prices of the fuel or oil, which is one of the great opportunities of the energy firm as the firm can do excellent business through this. The market of the natural gas is increasing widely and this one another great opportunity to do business and earn huge profit. Expanding the market of export can prove an opportunity to the energy firms, the raw materials along with the products can be exported and in return high revenues can be earned. Considering the threats after reading the article of Gill (2016), the regulations of the government like giving high tax to the government, the laws in which the business is facing loss is a threat to the energy firm. Every year new energy firms are implemented in the different areas and this causes High competition in the market, which is an important threat factor for the current energy firm.

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