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Professionalism and Your Personal Life Assignment Help

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1. Explain how personal skills affect your success as a health care worker

Good personal skills essentially refer to the ability to manage the aspects of an individual outside of work. Hence, it includes personal image as well as personal health and wellness along with the ability to manage time and finances in an effective manner. As a healthcare worker, the presence of personal image and skills help in transferring the workplace influence into the attainment of a proper reputation as a professional (Matheson et al. 2016).

2. Describe how your personal image affects patient care

Personal image is considered the estimated impression that is essentially created by an individual and that includes the notion of personal health and wellness. It also helps in the management of time and stress in order to adapt to the changes that happen within the premises of the healthcare processes (Gordon et al. 2018).

3. List five appearance and grooming factors that result in a professional image

The appearance and grooming factors required to maintain a professional image are as follows:

People with long hair needs to be pulled back and needs to be secured; this aspect needs to be done in order to avoid the safety and sanitary problems.

It is important to avoid perfumes and scented lotions as in the healthcare premises among the patients, who might not like the aroma. 

Facial hair of men needs to be styled in a neat manner.

It is important to wear employee identification badge that has the prescribed company's dress code.

The healthcare professionals need to avoid poor postures that tend to undermine professional image.

4. Explain how stereotypes impact first impressions

It is to be noted that, the notions of stereotyping tends to affect the personal image of an individual. Stereotypes are essentially based on personal appearance as well. However, the first impressions are not somewhat accurate but they still do occur. On the other hand, if someone tends to be negatively stereotypical, then it is likely that, once the individual tends to gain an observation of behaviours, their notions of negative stereotyping might improve over time. Therefore, it is important to assess the fact that, it is important to avoid judging someone and it is also important to avoid relying on impressions as it gives birth to stereotypical notions of an individual's existence, which does not have any basis (Gopee & Galloway, 2017).

5. Explain the importance of maintaining professionalism after hours

It has been found that, the maintenance of professionalism after hours tend to play an important role in carrying out the necessary methods and processes that needs to be assessed. The behaviour of an individual can largely affect professional image. An individual's relationship both inside and outside of work tends to have a positive and negative effect on the personal and professional image. Hence, with the help of maintaining professionalism after hours help in carrying out the dignity of the individual that are associated with the standards that tends to govern acceptable behaviour within the premises of the healthcare organisations.

6. List three health and safety concerns with social media

The extensive use of digital devices and that of social media tends to raise certain issues that are relative of the notions of personal health as well as wellness and safety. The definite ways are as follows:

Some of the notable companies within healthcare premises are intending to incorporate new policies that are responsible for encouraging employees to effectively disconnect when off-duty.

Avoid usage of online dating scams

Uncertainty towards identity in the other side of digital communication.

7. Describe the importance of self care for healthcare workers

The importance of self care for most of the healthcare workers tends to establish and effectively maintain the mental, physical or emotional health is considered a significant aspect of healthcare processes. Furthermore, self care aspects for healthcare perspectives tends to involve direct patient care provisions that helps in noticing negative or harmful patterns and are often considered proactive in nature. Hence, form this definite point of view, the self-care approaches prevalent in healthcare premises tend to carry out preventive measures that help in the understanding of the mental and emotional health (Ramia, Salameh, Btaiche & Saad, 2016).

8. Give two examples of how healthcare companies are encouraging employers to become healthier

The first and foremost instance of encouraging employers to be healthier is the fact that, the employees are often provided with a discount on their health insurance while meeting up with the needs and requirements of health indicators. On the other hand, another significant instance of providing enrichment to the employees is by providing employees with considerably higher rates for the presence of health insurance as the employees are often unable to meet up with certain health indicators effectively.

9. Explain why the ability to manage change is so important in healthcare today

The managing of change is considered one of the significant associations of personal management skills within the premises of healthcare. When an individual is affected with changes within the work process, the individual also encounters change in their personal lives. The managing change of healthcare professionals further helps the people to be able to carry out necessary notions of their work process in an effective manner.

10. What if? Scenarios

You've spent six months working out at a fitness center and look really good in tight blouses and short skirts. Hopefully, the cute guy who started working in medical records last week will notice you and ask you out.

As per the scenario, if happens to me, I will surely go with the guy as he asks me out, but before that, I would like to know more about him so that I am sure about my decision.

The only free time you have to jog on a regular basis is during your lunch break. Your break is long enough to get some good exercise but you don't have time to take a shower before resuming work.

My healthcare concerns have always been my first and foremost priority. However, hygiene is also an important concern and needs to be assessed at every bit of life. My lunch break is there only time I get to take care of my health and hygiene. However, since I don't get the time to take a shower before resuming work, it is important for me to make out time for taking a bath as hygiene is equally an integral and important part of healthcare.

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