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Involvement of Brain with Emotions & Motivations Assignment Help

How is your brain involved with the generation of your emotions and motivations? How do intrinsic and extrinsic motivations play a role in your life? How/Why do your beliefs impact your emotions and motivations? How are your emotions and motivations related to one another? How do social interactions and cultural influences affect your motivations and emotions? Identify 2-3 things you have learned that you can use to improve your own motivational or emotional state. 

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Chosen components

The five chosen components from the list provided can be stated as follows -

1. Drive

2. Conscious and unconscious motivation

3. Autonomy

4. Intrinsic/Extrinsic motivation

5. Reinforcers, punishers

Involvement of the brain with the generation of emotions and motivations

The brain has a major involvement when it comes to the emotions and motivations of any individual. The primary region of the brain that is involved with these two aspects is that of the limbic system (Catani, Dell'Acqua, & De Schotten, 2013). This system is nothing but a set of structures that is buried right under the brain's cortex, and it regulates those feelings that are essentially fundamental to the survival of an individual, such as anger, fear, and so on (Soudry, Lemogne, Malinvaud, Consoli, & Bonfils, 2011).

The hippocampus deals with the responsibility of storing and retrieving memories, and together with the amygdala determines the range of emotional response to any event or incident. There are several parts of this limbic system that involved with emotions and motivations. For instance, the hypothalamus is largely responsible for many important functions, which include the control of emotions that make one feel angry, motivated, or unhappy (Roxo, Franceschini, Zubaran, Kleber, & Sander, 2011). There are also various areas of the brain that regulate the actions and motivations of the individual, which implies that it is deeply involved with controlling and generating emotions as well as motivations.

Role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations in life

Intrinsic motivations refer to those behaviors that are driven forward by a sense of internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to undertake a particular kind of behavior within an individual is due to the fact that the action has the power to naturally satisfy them (Zhang & Bartol, 2010). For instance, passions and hobbies are the result of intrinsic emotions and motivations, and they are usually long-lasting, and provide a sense of self-sustenance. The most important role that intrinsic motivations have is that the focus is on learning and on the subject concerned, rather than on the outcomes, rewards, or punishments (Cerasoli, Nicklin, & Ford, 2014). This helps the individual to enrich themselves in a better manner.

Extrinsic motivations deal with the execution of actions that would lead to the achievement of an external reinforcement or reward. In other words, the source of motivation in this case is from the external environment of the concerned individual (Reiss, 2012). Extrinsic emotions impact the lives in the regard that they motivate people to do better for external or abstract gains. For instance, an individual would be motivated to do better at their workplace due to the mere fact that they might get a promotion, or simply to avoid punishment and other threats.

How and why beliefs impact the emotions and motivations

Beliefs play an integral role in guiding and impacting the emotions and motivations of any individual. For instance, if one believes that they are incapable of having a healthy relationship with their significant others, there are chances that they will act on that conviction unconsciously. This particular belief will be held as a truth without any concrete evidence, and the person would be emotionally and motivationally inclined towards fulfilling it (Ahmed, Minnaert, van der Werf, & Kuyper, 2010).

Emotions can be said to be powerful systems that direct the attention of the brain to the necessary arenas based on the responses known as feelings. It does not matter as to how simple the belief is, as all of them have some emotional memory or the other at their cores.
The reason as to why beliefs have a lasting impact on the emotions and motivations is because both these elements revolve around the reward system of the brain (Vohs, Baumeister, & Schmeichel, 2012), which implies that the fulfilment of the belief or simply conforming to it gives rise to a sense of elation and happiness, which is perceived as a positive thing, and thus, individuals tend to allow their beliefs to shape their emotions and motivations.

Relationship between the emotions and motivations

Emotions and motivations are those two psychological features that have a cause and effect relationship between them. Motivation is what encourages or stimulates individuals to act with the intention of achieving a particular goal, while emotions are feelings that would emerge from the existence of the motivation itself, and also by the failure or success of the subsequent actions (Parker, Bindl, & Strauss, 2010).
Emotions and motivations both lead to the activation or energizing of the individual's behavior. Emotions also possess certain properties of their own, which are essentially motivational in nature. For instance, when someone is happy, they are motivated to perform better in their personal and/or professional lives. The most noteworthy similarity that exists between emotions and motivations is that they have a relationship with the energy as well as the intensity of an individual, instead of being linked with direction or information (Boiger & Mesquita, 2012). Furthermore, these two constructs are largely dependent on the relationship that is shared by the individual with their environment.

Many theorists have stated that emotions are related to motivations in a manner that we are more encouraged to execute those actions that we think would lead to satisfaction, happiness, and other positive experiences (Galtress, Marshall, & Kirkpatrick, 2012). Emotions could thus be viewed as some sort of punishment or reward for specific kinds of motivated behavior.

Influence of social interactions and cultures on emotions and motivations

Individuals tend to be sensitive to the negative emotional displays of those with whom they are interacting socially, and they often can be confused with those motivations regarding the conscious intentions or goals. Social conditioning results in responses that are habituated in nature, and thus an individual tends to respond to specific issues in the same manner as they did when they were younger (Spencer-Rodgers, Peng, & Wang, 2010). Furthermore, the objective analysis in terms of emotional exchanges as far as behavior and demeanor are concerned are highly complex, which implies that it is important for people to understand the repercussions of their actions and what they exert on those around them.

The cultures that an individual is exposed to play an important role on the emotions and motivations by providing a structural guideline of various rules and expectations that outline how emotions are to be expressed, interpreted, and understood (Miyamoto, Uchida, & Ellsworth, 2010). A cultural script also acts as a source code, which dictates how emotions, both positive and negative, must be displayed and/or experienced, and thus is a guidance as far as the emotional experience of the individual is concerned. Some of the complex emotions, such as love, pride and jealousy, are highly dependent on the cultural influences as compared to those that are basic.

Improving the emotional and motivational state

There are essentially quite a number of things that I have learnt when it comes to improving my own emotional and motivational state. The most important fact that I have learned and realized, is that reinforcers and punishers have a major role to play in shaping the manner in which my emotions and motivations would guide my actions. Furthermore, the beliefs I possess would also define the kind of motivations I would have. Thus, I need to be a person who harbors beliefs that help me achieve what I desire, such that my mind would feel satiated, and thus, I would be sufficiently motivated to work for the better.

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