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"Imagery", in the assigned poem "The Fish" Assignment Help

Compose a rough draft paper in microsoft word document, which offers your interpretation of a literary element "Imagery", in the assigned poem "The Fish", written by Elizabeth Bishop. 

1. Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the poem, or interesting idea. Then, connect the poem and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the poem such as "Imagery". 

2. The body of the paragraph should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the poem that helps to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the poem and analyze specific lines that support your argument. 

3. Include strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explain the significance of the thesis. 
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"I looked into his eyes, which were far larger than mine" is how Elizabeth Bishop had tried to communicate with the fish in the poem, the one that she has caught. The poem, "The Fish", is full of vivid imagination and imagery. The way Bishop narrates the poem; it leads to a certain amount of imagination in the case of the reader, who is enthralled with the way, the story and the imagery runs hand in hand. There is symbolism deeply woven into poetry of all times (Chadwick, 2017). The expressions continue until the poem becomes one, which has to be read at length and make the reader feel the depth of the feeling that the poet feels for her prey. Imagery is used in multiple occasions in the poem and it has a strong influence all over. Imagery is a form of a literary descriptive language that uses the senses to explain the feelings associated (Zunshine, 2015). Elizabeth Bishop has used in this literary style of expression very heavily in her poem "The Fish".


Imagery takes the help of senses to convey meaning associated with the feeling experiences by the poet in the poem. Sound, sight, smell, sight, touch and taste are the most strong forms of imagery that are used (Downey, 2013). In the poem there is heavy drawing on the concepts of sights that are associated with colour that is used, when the pink coloured swim bladder is considered and the brown wallpaper like skin of the fish is described, there is drawing of the colours red and black to describe the entrails of the fish. The gory intestines and its colours are vividly sketched out with words to add meaning to the in depth analysis done by the poet. There is also examples of use of imagery seen, when the poet mentions how she can hear the heavy breathing of the huge fish and also of the snapping sound of the line, when the fish is straining its weight against the weight of the fish. The fish is old and the poet sees that its eyes are yellow and the poet tries to ensure that when he is staring into the eyes he was trying to read the soul of the fish. The touch or feel related aspect is associated with the grunting weight that the fish had relied upon to stand its ground, not strain, and fight beyond its power on the fish line. The bloody red look of his breathing gills was the life force that the fish was fighting with against the poet and the fishing hook.

The vivid imagery describes the fish with all the various aspects of colours, even the white sea- lice that infested it could clearly reflect upon the age of the fish. This fish was a fighter it had lived and survived and was in its ripe old age. In his mouth in the gaping of his jaw can be seen the green line that he had survived from and there were two other heavier black lines that clearly showed how much the fish had strived to live. The oil spillage and the rusted orange engine were all reminders of the struggles of life and then the sun turned everything into a riot of colours through creation of a prism rainbow, which represents co-existence of all different variants together in harmony. This is where the poet lets the fish go and the hunter in the poet becomes quiet and reflective. The poet provides sight, auditory and sensory imagery, which ensured that the reader could understand the great accomplishments of the old fish. The spirit of life and victory is symbolised by the fish and it ensures that the poet learns to respect the old fish.


It can be concluded that the poem had excellently used imagery and symbolism to weave in a story. The story telling becomes so intense that there is an establishment of a feeling or relationship between the protagonist, which is the fish and the poet. Bishop used her literary genius in such a manner that a bond was created between the reader and the fish, and the reader could empathise with the fish. The vivid use of imagery and the drawing upon the senses ensured that the storyline came alive and made the entire reading process most enthralling. In the end there was a sense of admiration that could be generated by the poet in the mind of the reader and could ensure that the struggle of the fish to live could be felt by all.

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