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HI6008 Business Research Project Assignment Help

Write the Individual Reflective Journal on the given topics "Challenges in Cyber Security for Business"

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Challenges in Cyber Security for Business

Reflective journal

When the present business research project was subjected to be undertaken there were certain clear instructions provided as the basis of the formulation. The particular research project is based upon the significant and sensitive issue that is undergone by us on a regular basis. Keeping in context with a contemporary research business issue the challenges faced in terms of cyber security maintenance was chosen as the area of intervention (Arabo, 2015). While the project concerns business service domains there are equal contributions made from each of the team members participating in the project outcomes. The present discussion will illustrate and throw light upon the experiential journey undergone throughout the process of project assignment undertaken by us.

The research project brought the team spirit and collaborative efforts in an integrated sense within our performance. There were essentially three of us formed as a team who were expected to form a close unit with common group goals (Brown et al. 2015). We were necessary to conform to shared groups objectives and yield similar opinions as believed by our team mentor to justify our efforts. We were instructed to avoid any sort of chances or opportunities to encounter with challenges, contradictions or conflicts. These values were intrinsically injected within all of us so that we develop mutual respect, understanding friendly association and close knit bonds with each other.

As the research topic we encompassed was highly relevant to contemporary business industry issues we found it important to research and investigate as much possible. During our research business project intervention we were asked to delve deep into insightful understanding regarding the cyber security threat issues. Each of the three team members was equally excited and also careful throughout our research conduct. We had to be extremely attentive about the selection of research journals whether assignment 2 was necessary to be carried out. The literature review section was observed as one of the most relevant and critical aspects of the research process (Braun et al. 2018). Each of the three team members decided to divide the sections of intervention while carrying out our empirical evidence based study work. We had to keep in mind and develop a central theme focus upon the challenges that cyber security matters were creating in contemporary times. Two of us within the team were entitled to attend at identification and in-depth exploration of each challenging factor that was evident in past and recent times adhering to cyber security maintenance. On the other hand, it became extremely significant for the third team member to provide effective outcomes in the process of research study. The third member was necessary enlighten about the specific analysis of cyber security within the sphere of business service domain.

While the subject matter was needed to be critically handled by each one of us as a team, each of us experiences similar feelings. We gathered quite a lot of knowledge in the process of research exploration. The statistical evidence reports made us aware of the discrepancy of condition within business sectors due to high vulnerability in context with cyber security threats (Salim and Madnick, 2016). We got to know that the more expansive the business enterprise or entity became, the greater became the probability to bet affected with cyber security threats. Each of us came to the final understanding with all our domains of respective data and analytical information that although business sectors tried hard to derive means to control such cyber impacts, they found it extremely challenging to counter such impacts. As per our seniors' instructions and advice we needed to create mutual understanding within the group no matter how discrepant our findings or opinions were. However, we came across very few instances where such experiences of conflicts or contradictions were addressed among three of us. The united and collaborative working procedure made our research process even smoother and simpler to reach our final presentation (Link et al. 2018). In the process of establishing the common viewpoints we had make sure the team spirit reflects from the collective effort and output that gets finally presented. As the literature review establishment was effectually required to be undertaken within the research frame our collective unit was necessary to be projected.

After the reviewing of the literature we were supposed to be ready to undertake the next assignment session into consideration (Findley, 2018). In order to derive a complete experiential sensation each of three members within the group, we needed to incorporate a mutual understanding about paradigm. We became extra alert and careful when the methodological formulation was necessary to be undertaken. It was expected of us to create a justified selection of appropriate research equipment and tool manifestation so that establishment of research study becomes strongly supported.

While we were asked to implement the methodological representation we experienced a little contradiction of opinion regarding accurate choice of research methodological tools (Ilyas, 2015). One of the team members ascertained upon the fact that if a primary explanatory research approach is implemented for the present research study it shall help and support the study to derive data based findings. There was justification provided by my team mate that if the primary approach is implied within this researches the real life scenario existing across business service operations will get revealed. The cyber security challenges faced by business industry will be best understood if the people involved within such crucial situation are directly investigated. The real time and direct data received from primary sources shall be most effectual in nature to generate value based results.

When such evidences and support justifications were provided in favor research approach through primary dimension by one of my team mate, two of us were found to carry a different belief altogether. This was the first prominent instance where we experienced significant and strong contradiction between our opinions and ideological standpoints (Aggarwal, 2019). I and my other team mate were dependent upon a conceptual framework that developing a wide spectrum of insight and knowledge in concern with the present research issue shall be effective towards the research understanding. After creating a strong insight and an in-depth exploration across the sensitive yet contemporary issue of cyber security threats within business sectors it made us realize that it has large scale applicability and impact. This certainly does not require narrowing down of understanding and findings generated through limited sources. The two of us within the group believed in the fact that deriving data from the primary direct source shall limit data findings within the selected research sample group(s).

However, this viewpoint of one of our team mates was opposed by two of us in the same team (Sirur et al. 2018). We not just contradicted but also tried to convince the third members with justified rationalization and logic to make the third team member understand the reason for opposing the idea of primary research data. We explained that incorporating a secondary explorative approach will foster the research will widespread understanding with diversified application, using valid sources. Hence, it can be summed up that while carrying this entire assignment research business project we underwent collaborative and certain conflicting experiences that ultimately contributed in resulting in an enriched and critically represented project outcome.

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