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Health Promotion Campaign for Infants Assignment Help

1. Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

2. Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.

3. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.

4. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer- reviewed and no more than 6 years old.

5. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.

6. In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored



It is observed that more than three million children under the age of five years are dying every year due to different environmental-related causes and conditions. There are several environmental factors that effect on the health of these children (Pink, 2012). It thereby becomes necessary for the government and other medical agencies to take necessary steps in this direction. 

It also seems that the awareness levels among the people of a given community are less and hence there is a need to launch an environmental campaign in a given environment. It will thereby not only inform the people about the environmental factor responsible for ill-health of the children but will also provide them with different remedies through which they will be able to take better care of these children (Pink, 2012). 

This report will thereby focus on the aspects of identification of the environmental factor responsible for the ill-health of the children and will thereby provide recommendations to improve the given situation. However, there is a need to monitor the launched campaign and measure the overall performance. The respective project handling team needs to determine the gaps, if any in this process, and accordingly provide recommendations to improve the current situation.

Environmental factor that is affecting the health and safety of infants

There are different environmental factors identified such as polluted air, contaminated water, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, presence of toxic hazards in a given community, degraded ecosystems, and even lack of adequate sanitation (Pink, 2012). Thus, it will directly impact first on the infants and then on the other family members in a given environment. 

One of the major environmental factors that are responsible for causing severe damage to these infants is contaminated water and poor sanitation. As per the governmental reports of 2017, it was found that infants consuming poor quality water suffer from diarrhea (Jaadla, Puur, & Rahu, 2017). 

This diarrhea kills an estimated 1.5 million children every year in different parts of the world (Jaadla, Puur, & Rahu, 2017). The major responsible factors for this issue include - unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation (Rothstein, 2012). 

The diarrheal diseases are causing other damages among the infants such as - physically stunted, leaves them underweight, drained of energy, and even making them suffer from other vulnerable diseases (Rothstein, 2012). It thereby becomes necessary to take necessary steps in this direction to ensure improving health and safety of infants in a given environment.

Creating a health promotion plan to address the environmental factor

To overcome the given issue of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation, it is important for the government to develop and launch a health promotion plan that will be guiding first the people regarding how to focus only on safe drinking water. Second, the government needs to collaborate with different entities that will start providing clean and safe drinking water to the given community (Rothstein, 2012). 

It is the responsibility of the government to also look after sanitation facilities so that these infants can remain safe and healthy in a given environment. Further, the government along with the medical professionals needs to conduct seminars and workshops wherein they will be demonstrating the ill-effects of unsafe drinking water. 

They will be thereby provided with suggestions on how to drink only safe water and also how to take better care of infants in given situations (Rokicki, Montana, & Fink, 2014). It will thereby allow the parents to take better care of the infants and overcome the stated environmental factor among the entire community. 

Recommendations on accidental prevention and safety promotion

Despite significant investments carried out in improving water supplies and sanitation, it is observed that 18% of the world's total population is still lacking for the access to safe drinking water. The rural areas of the different nations are still affected in this situation and hence not only infants but also people of these areas are affected. 

In some of the extreme locations in Africa and Asia, people are subjected to such issues quite often and thus there is a need of devising ways through which they can opt for clean and safe drinking water (Rokicki, Montana, & Fink, 2014). There are several examples of infants who are affected with this issue in the locations of Honduras, Africa, and certain parts of Western Asia. 

The government is thereby researching on the ways through which they will be able to provide multiple ways to the people of a given community. Some of them include - not disposing rubbish in the water sources, not throwing any chemicals in the water sources, improving garbage disposal, increasing gardening in the surrounding environment, limiting the use of pesticides and bleaches, taking steps for soil conservation and finally using new technologies to filter the water (Rokicki, Montana, & Fink, 2014). It will thereby allow them to get purified water that will prevent the infants against the different types of healthcare issues identified in this report.

Intervention techniques and other suggestions from evidence-based research

In many of the cases, the problems can be solved through low-cost solutions in a given environment. For example, the problem identified in this report regarding unsafe water can be solved through simple filtration process and also through disinfection of water at the household. However, there is also a need to purify the water by improving the quality of water that is supplied and provided to the different households in a given environment (Rokicki, Montana, & Fink, 2014). 

The healthcare organizations along with the government need to increase awareness levels among the people of given communities so that they can take the urgent steps to solve this situation (Rokicki, Montana, & Fink, 2014). Further, the government also needs to improve sanitation facilities so that all the members of the family can remain safe in a given environment. 

They will be able to protect them against these issues and subsequently improve the current situation identified in the community. Education will be a major key among all the people of the community and it will be the responsibility of the government to deploy these intervention techniques and other suggestions in a given environment (Delaney & Smith, 2012).


This report focuses on the issue of unsafe water and sanitation - one of the major environmental factors that are affecting the health of the infants in a given environment. As per the World Health Organization report, there is a need to initiate programs and other activities for the purpose of improving the quality of water supplied to the households in the rural areas (Jaadla, Puur, & Rahu, 2017). 

It will prevent people and their children against vector-borne diseases and also simultaneously provide them with clean and safe water for drinking purpose. It will thus prevent the infants against the negative health impacts in a given environment (Jaadla, Puur, & Rahu, 2017). However, the government needs to continue programs and campaigns as described in this report for the purpose of increasing awareness on this issue; even people of the society needs to get trained on certain aspects to take better care of their infants in a given environment. 

The government needs to implement review mechanisms through which they will be able to monitor the different strategies implemented in this direction; they can thereby identify their gaps, share their inputs, and then provide recommendations to improvise the future outcomes.


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