Efficacious communication during health and social care practices makes the care users feel valued

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Communicating in Health and Social Care

Efficacious communication during health and social care practices makes the care users feel valued. It aids the health and social care organisations to enhance their working environment and also the quality of care service provision. This study emphasises on significant communication skills that are important to enhance the quality of care service provision within the healthcare setting. This is supported by a comparison of communication theories in healthcare including description of two crucial communication types employed within health and social care setting. In addition to this, the study also focuses on the barriers in the communication and devises strategies to overcome the same. Correspondingly, it also identifies alternative means of communication which can be helpful for communicating with care users with special requirements. Following this, it also discusses the importance of maintenance of confidentiality as per Caldicott principles. Apart from this, the study also inculcates significance of ICT within health and social care practices benefitting both medical practitioners and the users.

This study concludes that communication is one of the major and essential aspects in health and social care organisations. It is therefore, to be ensured that both the speaker and listener need to be active during any conversations. It is also needed to be ensured that the listener has been able to understand the conversation. This study also deduced that the healthcare organisations need to analyse the different forms of communication that might help in acquiring adequate working environment. For this, the management of the healthcare organisation is required to examine the probable barriers that might influence communication process. Following this, measures are required to be devised to overcome the identified barriers. In addition, the study also inferred that for maintaining better relationship with care users, the medical practitioners need to maintain confidentiality of the information provided by them. This helps the care users to develop a sense of trust with which they share every personal health issues. Moreover, it also concluded that application of ICT has benefitted the health and social care organisations in variety of ways. Thus, while implementing ICT, the management of health and social care units also need to analyse the probable challenges they might face and ensure to abide by Data Protection Act for managing the information of care users effectively.

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Identification of key communication skills and explanation of their application within health and social care setting


Listening is considered to be one of the important communication skills to be utilised in health and social care setting. According to Kataokaet al. (2018), good listener is effectually able develop relation with others. In this respect, it can be mentioned that listening skills help the medical practitioners in developing better connection with the care users.

Clarity and concision

When communicating within healthcare setting both practitioners and care users need to attain clarity and concision in their conveyed message. In the opinion of ErshadSarabiet al. (2020), clarity in communication help the care users to make practitioners understand their problems adequately. In this aspect, practitioners are able to provide with effectual feedback regarding the problems of their care users.

Non-verbal communication

In non-verbal communication, body language and tone of communication matters to a great extent. It is believed that medical practitioners need to acquire positive body language and polite voice tone towards their care users (Backet al., 2019). This helps the care users to feel valued and they are adequately able to share their health problems openly. Moreover, developing eye contact while communicating is also important which signifies that the message given by the other member is valued.


Confidence while speaking is the key aspect in health and social care setting. This is because the medical practitioners are required to provide solutions with confidence so that the care users attain a level of trust on the practitioners regarding their medical suggestions. Additionally, practitioners are also able to work towards achieving common objective with confident vision.

Friendliness and empathy

There needs to be a sense of friendliness and empathy in the conversation between a medical practitioner and care user. The skills of friendliness help the medical practitioners in health and social care setting to develop better relationship with the co-workers thereby are able to encourage each other within the healthcare setting (Ryanet al., 2019). Alternatively, empathy aids the medical practitioner to be polite and caring towards the care users which again help in developing good relation with them.

Compare and contrast two theoretical approaches of communication in health and social care

In health and social care, Communication Accommodation Theory and Actor Network Theory can be employed to acquire productive communication outcomes. According to communication accommodation theory, the medical professionals are required to adapt with formal communication style and approach within their healthcare setting (Ghaffari and Vahid, 2020). This helps them to be more adaptive to diverse working environments. On the other hand, O'Brienet al. (2019) mentioned that Actor Network Theory is based on the aspects of both human and non-human factors that help individual in enhancing their knowledge. It can be considered beneficial for the medical practitioners in the healthcare setting to undertake adequate technical measure to enhance communication within respective healthcare setting. Alternatively, communication accommodation theory helps the medical practitioners to get acquainted to the diverse working environment to provide effective healthcare services to respective care users. In this respect, it can be mentioned that the above mentioned two theories are helpful in different perspective in the health and social care organisations for attaining adequate communication.

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