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Discussion on Aspects of Leadership Assignment Help

For each Article, be sure to address the following as a minimum.

- Discuss the scope of the resource;

- Discuss the purpose and philosophical approach;

- Discuss the underlying assumptions;

- If referring to a research reporting article, present the methodology;

- Relate the resource to the body of resources you have consulted in this course;

- Discuss any evident limitations and opportunities for further inquiry.

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The discussion of the paper focuses on a few articles that have been selected to define the various aspects of leadership within an organization. The issues that have been discussed signifies how gender, culture, race, etc., can affect leadership styles and how that impacts organizational effectiveness, turnover or human resources.

Article 1

The discussions that are part of this article focus on a rather significant issue and they have to be considered for success and development. It is the scope of the article to detail the knowledge regarding culture and gender and how these two either individually or collectively account for leadership styles and their impact (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). The main purpose of the paper is to shift the understanding of the leadership styles from the point of view of white men to a more diverse culture. Distinctive models and approaches to leadership have been discussed to show the dynamic relationship that is present between them. Furthermore, it is the aim of the paper to prove how the notions of culture, as well as gender, coexist symbiotically while having dynamically parallel relations and how they matter in the understanding of leadership concepts.

The definitions of culture and gender have been provided where the first one is described as a transmitted as well as acquired pattern of feeling, behaviour, and meaning that has been shared and which a specific group of humans constitute (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016). The latter one is differentiated from sex and has been described as something that pertains to all the psychosocial implications of the biological sex. The underlying message of the paper is to show how men and women perceive and acts differently due to privilege and status. Additionally, the point to be considered here is the way to achieve effective and successful leadership qualities is to have a multicultural knowledge and perspective. The approaches such as the trait approach involving cultural intelligence, self-monitoring, implicit theory of leadership, etc., the behavioral approach involving two-factor, leader-member exchange and transitional leadership approach, and finally, contingency approach involving contingency model of leadership effectiveness and normative model of leadership decision making have been summarised (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016). While both the concepts have an impact on leadership, they have to be considered separately on socio-demographic and structural aspects along with a focus on diverse research.

Article 2

The scope of this article is to discuss the ways in which a leader can assure a better turnover that has been reduced while the motivational standards of the employees have increased. The purpose of the article is the enhancement of the leadership styles in an organization in order to survive in the competitive market, which is diverse. The style that the leaders have to engage in has to motivate these diverse cultures that can benefit an organization by improving the creativity, productivity as well as creativity aspects of the workers (Dixon & Hart, 2010). The philosophy lies in the understanding that if the skills and the styles of a leader are right then the performance can improve and the turnover intention can reduce. The approach taken in the article is the analysis of the relationship that lies between the three different types of Path-Goals of the styles of leadership such as workgroup effectiveness, the turnover intention of workgroup members and diversity.

While work groups are independent individuals who interact between themselves so that they can complete projects and increase the productivity of the firm, diversity refers to groups where the individual attributes of the members differ (Anderson & Sun, 2017). Effectiveness of such a group can be improved if the employees rely on the operations and improvement of service while maintaining trust and teamwork. An increase in the effectiveness of the groups can be done by a flexible leader who can improve motivation through the structure, rewards, direction, and clarification. This is the Path-Goal theory of leadership. Effectiveness increase as clarity increases and dissatisfaction decreases, which reduces the turnover. In a proper method, six different hypotheses are analyzed and the result is discussed to ensure diversity training. While the negative features of the two notions are not confirmed, it still manages to signify the importance of employee retention (Anderson & Sun, 2017).

Article 3

The idea of a diverse group of leaders based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and ethnicity have been present for a long period of time. However, the notions of inclusion of diverse or formerly excluded groups are not detailed enough (Eagly & Chin, 2010). The scope of this article is, therefore, the conception of the knowledge that is related to the domains of diversity and leadership, which serves as the guidelines of a modern organization. The purpose of the research is to establish detailed research on the wider and more provocative aspects that contributes to contemporary leadership styles and involves:

- The behavior of the leaders is shaped because of the dual nature of their identity both as a member of a gender, ethnic or racial group and as a leader.

- The people from the identity groups that are diverse have limited access to the roles of a leader (Chin, Desormeaux & Sawyer, 2016).

- The individuals from the formerly excluded groups who have not been in a leadership role but have potential are able to provide excellent service as they are different from the leaders of tradition.

The underlying thought related to this article is to identify the psychology that discriminates the diverse leaders and the purpose that the article serves is to the leaders from the diverse group works and why they are effective as a leader. Leadership is a social concept and the contingency, as well as relational theories of it, can illuminate the issues related to the diversity of race, culture, religion, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation (Chin et al., 2016). While the approach to understanding diversity in leadership has been through, the limitations due to the increased interconnectivity and complexities are not detailed.

Article 4

This article is an interesting one as the approach of it is quite direct. The scope of the article is limited but is detailed as the answers relating to the aspects of leadership are presented. The purpose of it is to define the various aspects of leadership that comes to the forefront while dealing with the topic and the philosophy lies in the belief that the past assumptions will be forgotten as the contemporary leaders are becoming more significant (Hogan, Curphy & Hogan, 1994). The idea of leadership has emerged from the psychologists who worked on questions inquiring about the person who should or shall rule. The nine questions that have been presented here with nine definite answers try to assure the organizations and the world about the need of leaders in every field.

Significant questions about the definition of leadership and the role of the leaders are answered morally as a process or a person that persuades other people to focus on a common objective for the welfare of the society while keeping aside their personal concerns. Other questions elaborate on the importance of leadership and how they are chosen (Gotsis & Grimani, 2016). Discussions carry on with the evaluation of the leaders and focus shifts on the fact that so many leaders are flawed and yet gets to play the role. The reason why some leaders fail and the theories attached to the concept are evaluated as well. While these aspects have been elaborated, the idea of what an ideal leader needs to be like is not discussed.

Article 5

The concept of authority plays a vital role within an organization as from it the notions of hierarchy emerge. The scope of this paper is to discuss how members authorize as well as de-authorize themselves and others while working in an organization. The purpose is to elaborate on the internalized models related to authority. There are three models and they are dependence, interdependence, and counter-dependence (Kahn & Kram, 1994). The underlying assumptions that this article makes is how the three internal models have an influence on the behavior of the members of the organization while they are performing a specific task or while they act as an individual of the hierarchal dyads or work groups.

It is noted that these internal models are also responsible for the shift in the organizational life context. The behavioral outcomes are measured with the help of a research strategy about collaborative and formal authorities and their relations. Authority leads to a defined notion of the power structure of the organization and that too has a direct impact on the behavior of the members of the organization and even on their efficiency to work within a specific firm (Wang, Kim & Lee, 2016). However, the article fails to deliver an understanding of how authority enhances teamwork. It is vital for the success of the organizations that are post-industrial.


All the articles have given a significant amount of focus on the fact that leadership styles and proper leadership values are the binding stones of an organization. Through various models and analysis, the varied styles of leadership have been discussed along with the idea of how a leader affects the human resources of a firm.

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