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Change in Project Report Assignment Help

How might changes to project scope affect the project's schedule, and how would a project manager formally communicate such variances to project stakeholders?

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Each project has its plan and schedule which includes multiple tasks and resources. Thus, a single change in the project will affect the current operating task which is further dependent on other consecutive tasks. Ultimately, it will impact on all areas of the project, by disrupting its schedule (Kerzner, 2017). Apart from changing schedule, it also includes budget overrun, a missed deadline and also project failure. There are many reasons which are responsible for the changes in project scope, such as, poor leadership, conflicting opinions, and unavailability of appropriate stakeholders. Moreover, factors like unclear communication, system or manpower failure, bidding to outdo the competition, and lack of proper feedback mechanism is also equally responsible. It is also evident that the overall project delay due to change in scope also minimizes the Return On Investment (ROI) (Kerzner, 2017). When a project takes longer time in going to the market than the estimated time, then it has to bear the cost of each delayed minute as the loss in its revenue. 

The Project manager should keep its stakeholders updated about any project change. The project manager should involve the active participation of each stakeholder and emphasizes on just-in-time delivery of vital information. In this context, it is needed to identify the stakeholders and their level of interest in the project. According to the stakeholder's importance and interest level, the manager should arrange a face-to-face meeting (physical meeting or skype), or daily phone call, or provide weekly summary email report (Butt, Naaranoja, & Savolainen, 2016).

Response to the other student’s answer

The present discussion post by the student is very informative and gives a clear idea about the impact of project change and effective project change management. I am in complete agreement with the post which describes, that any change in the “project scope” is associated with a budget overrun and might exceed the deadline. Further, it outlined that this change might lead to a financial loss and risk to the brand image. However, in my opinion, there are other relevant reasons which are missing in this post. For example, such reasons include communication breakdown, underestimating the complexity of the project, and inappropriate cost estimation, which might cause interruption of information flow and leads to a delay. Also, lack of effective leadership, design error, inappropriate procurement, lack of contingency plan, and ignoring the post-execution phase, could contribute to the same consequence. As mentioned in this discussion post, which suggests that managers should conduct regular meetings with the operation and management team, to identify the underline risk. As a result, the delay in communication, proper reviewing of budget and time, and implementation of risk mitigation strategy within time could be possible. Overall, the idea of keeping the stakeholders up-to-date by the mangers through live meetings or maintaining current status on the company’s website is highly recommendable and practical. 

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