Aussie Vacancies Assignment Help
Assessment Details: Aussie Vacancies is a travel agency that specializes in the rental of high-quality self-catering accommodation in Australia. For the summer months, it offers a wide selection of holiday cottages and, for the winter, apartments and chalets in various ski resorts. The company was founded by two friends who still own it, David Martin and John West, and has been in business since 2010. It has grown rapidly to achieve a turnover of some $6.75 million per annum and employs 85 staff at two offices, one in the Sydney and one in Melbourne. Aussie Vacancies currently uses two main sales channels: • Direct selling to customers through mailshots of its brochures and customer support centres (70 per cent of sales). • Sales via high street travel agents (30 per cent of sales).
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Aussie Vacancies is planning to introduce a project for their company to build up an internet interface that would allow its customers to book accommodations in hotels and resort online instead of their usual telephone service or by physically visiting their offices in Sydney and Melbourne.
1. Discussion of the Different Phases of the Project Life Cycle
As the IT department of the company is extremely small, Aussie Vacancies has decided to entrust the development of its internet service to an IT consultancy company known as E-Con and has tendered several services to them. A rough design of the entire project cycle was developed by the project manager of E-Con, Rischard Vaughan who is also the principal consultant of E-Con and is in charge of the entire project supported by two team managers working under him. The project life cycle of any project consists of four phases, each of which has their own sets of activities and task that needs to be fulfilled within a due time. The four phases of the Aussie Vacancies project have been described below with all the activities required in each of the phases.

Phase 1: Initiation Phase
The initiation phase of the project starts with the Aussie Vacancies handing out the tender details to E-Con for taking charge of the project with all the budget details, project specifications, requirement analysis and due date of completion of the project (Lock, 2017). The project is decided to start on the first week of April and has to be completed on or before June 30th before the start of winter season. The budget allotted for the project was $350,000 which should be paid by Aussie Vacancies over the course of three months. The initiation phase also consists of a detailed analysis of the requirement of the project which was delivered by Aussie Vacancies to E-Con. In return, E-Con has provided Aussie Vacancies with a detailed requirement specification report which was approved by Aussie Vacancies and the project was finally initialised.
Phase 2: Planning Phase
The second phase of the project life cycle consists of the planning of the entire project where the estimation costs of each of the activities and task were developed by E-Con. The entire design of the new website, its interface and customer options were planned by the consultancy company. A brief report of the project design was also sent to Aussie Vacancies for keeping them in loop with the project progress. The specific individuals in the project teams were also assigned respective activities based on their area of expertise. Once the detailed planning report was approved by Aussie Vacancies, E-Con moved on to the next phase of the project life cycle.
Phase 3: Project Execution
The most important phase in the project life cycle consists of execution of the project plan and implement the design into reality (Kovacic and Zoller, 2015). The project of Aussie Vacancies was also executed through the implementation of the internet systems, development of a new website and designing of secure communication links with the customer database. Most of the task was done by the project team of E-Con as Aussie Vacancies IT department was not capable of developing an IT infrastructure for the company. The project execution phases ended with the completion of all the project requirements requested by Aussie Vacancies and transfer of control from E-Con to the management of Aussie Vacancies.
Phase 4: Project Closure
The final stage of the project life cycle is the project closure phase where the closing documents are handed over by the project management company to the hiring company. At the closing phase, E-Con also conducted some training sessions for the staff members of Aussie Vacancies and also their IT employees, where skill transfer was done to teach the usage and maintenance of the new system to the workers in Aussie Vacancies. The last allotment of the budget was paid in full by Aussie Vacancies thus closing and completing the deal between the two companies and control of the system was transferred to the Aussie Vacancies management and the IT department of the company should be in charge of its maintenance from now on.Aussie Vacancies Assignment Help
2. Developing the Business Case
A convincing business case was produced by John West, the director of Aussie Vacancies and in charge of accounts and administration of the company. As the project was in the IT department and is under the administration sector, John West was responsible for making a convincing business case to figure out whether the project is worth investing or not. The proposed business case consisted of benefits of proposed business change, communicating the benefits to the business and discuss the key quality threats related to the project.
Benefits of Proposed Business Change
The implementation of an online booking service would help to introduce a ‘one-stop shop' service for all the customers of the company. It would provide a common way of booking accommodation for all the customers who are mostly net-aware and it is very convenient for them to book online and shop for all the package deals with minimum physical effort (Weissbrod and Bocken, 2017). Moreover, linking the management information system with the customer database would help the customers view the availability of the rooms during a specific time using their official website. Additionally, the company will be able to generate a minimum of $118,000 profit due to the online interface which is profitable for the company.
Communicating the Benefits to the Business
The target market of the company are customers who are reasonably affluent professionals and make extensive use of the internet. Unable to provide such type of service would be considered as a weakness of the company. One of the competitors of Aussie Vacancies has already started using online booking service and several others are planning to start one. To keep a competitive edge in the market, Aussie Vacancies must develop a more user friendly and convenient website for online booking purposes (Quinlanet al., 2019). Moreover, the owners of the properties who rent out their places for Aussie Vacancies' customers might start their own websites and cut out brokers like Aussie Vacancies and increase their bargaining power over the company. All these factors were enough to convince the company management why the implementation of an online booking service is necessary for the company.
Key Quality Threats/ Risk Factors
Although implementation of a new online booking system can be very beneficial for Aussie Vacancies that could bring 10-15% new customers to the company as stated by a recent travel industry survey, yet the directors of the company needs to be cautious about the risk factors that might result to a threat for the company. The new system can turn to be too complicated for the IT administrators of the company and find it hard to properly maintain the system and database (McEvoy, 2016). Moreover, any sort of security breaches during credit card payments could result in loss of reputation for the company as customers would be threatened by the disclosure of their private information. Moreover, the entire system might not be as user-friendly and customers might shift to alternative sources for better services from other competitors of the company.
3. SWOT Diagram for Aussie Vacancies

4. Stakeholder Register of Aussie Vacancies

5. Project Charter

6. Project Network Diagram

The above diagram shows the project to be completed with 9 major activities and to be completed within 61 days of starting the project which could also be reflected form the time schedule as estimated for the project.
The project deals in building up an internet interface that would allow its customers to book accommodations in hotels and resort online. The project helped in analysing the various constraints that are involved for making the project to be successful. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Aussie Vacancies Assignment Help – order today for excellence!