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Article Critique on Consumer Behavior Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to critique a peer-reviewed article regarding consumer behavior. During this assignment, assume the role of a peer reviewer who is reviewing the article for a journal. Select an article from a peer-reviewed journal within the scope of consumer behavior (e.g., global marketing, services, pricing). Begin your research by using the GCU Library or an electronic database search. The article must be published within the last 5 years. Write an article review of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following:

A general overview of the article. Include an opening paragraph stating the full APA formatted reference for the article you chose. Give a brief overview of the following: thesis of the article, hypothesis, research design methods, conclusions, and recommendations.
Relationship to course. How does this article relate to the knowledge within this course? How does it relate to the textbook?
A critical analysis. Did the process make sense? Was enough information given to determine if results were valid? Were the statistics clear and did they support the results? Were the results generalizable to a wider population than the sample subjects?
A value assessment. Based on the conclusions, what value exists in the article for a future manager in the real world? 

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Critique of Peer-Reviewed Article

Brief Overview: The research study article that has been presented by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) is aimed towards determining the impact of price elasticity on the consumer purchase behavior and decision making or willingness. Price is considered as one of the important moderators of consumer decision making. The article by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) provides a clear thesis statement. Furthermore, the research objectives of the study that has been conducted by the authors is clearly indicated in the article that makes it easier to identify the purpose of the study. The various aspects or areas that the researchers aim to explore, have been clearly mentioned and explained in the article. The research design method that has been employed for conducting the research has been clearly explained by the researcher along with the justification of the choices. The sample population that have been selected for conducting the research has been mentioned as well. The theoretical framework that has been selected by the researcher provides an appropriate guideline for the research and the pathway that has guided the completion of the research. The results and the consequent conclusion that have been drawn from the discussion provide clarified direction regarding the investigation and explains the success of the research. Furthermore, the recommendations that have been provided by the authors offers guidance for future researches that can be conducted in the similar area of study or interest.

Relationship with the Course: The information that has been provided by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) through their article is in coherence with the knowledge of the course of consumer behavior and marketing. By following the information that has been presented by the authors, would allow any student or individuals associated with the course of marketing and consumer behavior to gain an insight regarding the influence of price elasticity on the purchase behavior of the consumers. The article highly related with the knowledge that has been presented by the current course. Furthermore, the articles also relate to the textbook that has been provided along with the course and has been recommended for it. The textbook details about the various factors that influence the consumer behavior regarding their purchases and have detailed how price plays a critical role in the same. Similar knowledge has been detailed in the article by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) and therefore, it can be stated that the article is significant or relevant with the course as well as the information that has been imparted through the textbook.

Critical Analysis: The process that has been undertaken or employed by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) was appropriate with the context of the research that has been conducted by the researchers. The process of conducting the research using survey questionnaire with questions that validate each other, is significantly purposeful. The information that has been provided regarding the validity of the results are complete and corrigible. The findings and the results have been detailed appropriately so as to determine their validity. Furthermore, suitable and sufficient information have been provided that validates the results that have been obtained through the research. The statistics that have been utilized in the research study are sufficiently clear are coherent and clearly signifies its use in the study and how the same is applicable in supporting the results. The statistics that were applied in the study for supporting the results had allowed the researchers to determine the impact of price change on the consumer purchase behavior. The point elasticity formula was used for calculating the elasticity from the base price, to a higher then lower price. This formula aided the researcher to calculate the average elasticity for the increases and decreases in price. The results that have been obtained through the research conducted by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) are generalizable to a wider population than just the sample population subjects. It has been identified from the results of the research that the consumers are more inclined towards making purchase of the product that belong to the low-priced category. Furthermore, it has also been determined that the magnitude f price elasticity for the high-priced brands decrease as per the price position of the brand within the high end category.

Value Assessment: The conclusion of the research investigation by Huang, Dawes, Lockshin and Greenacre (2017) contributes towards the complex nature of pricing and has yielded various implications for the industry as well as academic practitioners. In the current article the value of understanding the consumer behavior based on pricing strategies and elasticity, has been reflected that would be beneficial for any future manager associated with the area of marketing.

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