Copy Constructor, C++ tutorial

Copy Constructor

The copy constructor is used to copy the content of one object to another object. A copy constructor always takes a reference object as an argument. A copy constructor can be defined in two ways:

i) Inside the class definition

ii) Outside the class definition

i)  Inside the class definition

The general form of defining a copy constructor holds the following syntax.

class classname



                //Data members


                classname(classname &object_name)


                        //Copy Constructor Statements



ii) Outside the class definition

The general form of defining a copy constructor outside the class holds the following syntax.

class classname



                //Data members


                classname(classname &object_name); // Copy Constructor                       prototype


classname::classname(classname &object_name) < --------------------- Outside the class


        // Copy  Constructor Statements



When the copy constructor is defined outside the class, its prototype must be declared in the public category of the class. 

Invoking a copy constructor

We must pass the initial values as arguments to copy constructor after initializing the source object


class_name destination_object=source_object;


          demo d1(4500);

        demo d2=d1;


class_name destination_object(source_object);


          demo d1(4500);

        demo d2(d1);

The programmer can use either of the methods.

Program 4.3

Write a program to provide same salary to three employees using copy constructor.



class employee



                int salary;




                void display();


employee::employee(int val)




employee::employee(employee &e)




void employee::display()







        employee e1(4500);

        employee e2(e1);

        employee e3=e2;

        cout<<"Salary of  employee1 :";e1.display();

        cout<<"Salary of  employee2 :";e2.display();

        cout<<"Salary of  employee3 :";e3.display();




Salary of  employee1 :4500

Salary of  employee2 :4500

Salary of  employee3 :4500


In the above program, the source object e1 is initialized first, then its content is assigned to destination object e2 and e3 as declared in the main( ) function.

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