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Two Conflicting Philosophies of 19 th Century in Europe Assignment Help

Choose two conflicting philosophies from either politics, economics, or society, and describe how they helped to develop changes in Europe during the 19th century. Which one do you think had the greater impact on Western society going into the late 19th century? Why?

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Discussion: Two conflicting philosophies of 19th Century in Europe

There are two conflicting political philosophies of liberalism and Nationalism in Europe. Each of these two helped to construct several changes in Europe in the 19th century times. The first philosophy is focussed on aspects like liberty to all, equality to all people, emphasis on freedom etc. This is the driving force for the creation of the revolutions in the France and in America in the form of revolutions of that time. Liberty enabled people gain freedom in the speech, press and expression like domains, which are normally under the direct control of people of that time. Liberalism in Countries like Italy and Spain raised voice against the clergy men and favoured legislation that restricted the civil authority. Liberalism is the also the cause of abolishing of slave trade in Europe in 19th Century.

Nationalism is another significant philosophy that raised its voice in Europe in 19th Century. Nationalism worked on to establish new countries against authoritarian rule in Europe (Kohn, 2017). Nationalism united national forces and formed to evolve new nations like Greece, Serbia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. French revolution worked on to catalyze nationalistic spirits and worked on to evolve nation's formation. Starving for a national identity is the core essence and driving force in the formation of the nationalistic sentiments.
I believe nationalism has greater impact in the transformation of the Europe into the current states as it goes late into the 19th century.

Both are equally significant as when nationalism provides the nations the necessary freedom for its members and upkeeps their rights. Liberalism will define the rights and freedoms at individual rights. Nationalism will safeguard the liberalism in people (Hass, 2018).

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