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THT2114 – Sustainable Operations and Destinations Assignment Help

Question 1:

The Anangu (traditional owners) and Parks Australia share decision making for the management of Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park. Using examples from the Case Study identify and discuss the key issues and challenges in managing the National Park’s:

• Operations

• Resources

• Brand image

Question 2:

Using key principles of sustainable development and examples from the case study identify and discuss how the National Park can successfully manage the relationships between profit, people and the planet.


Sustainable Operations and Destinations


Sustainable operations and destinations are associated with the range of strategic and tactful approaches that helps in bringing sustainability to the regional tourism development. This piece of learning material is going to be watchful towards one of the case studies of Australia, “Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park” in terms of sustainable tourism. The study is based on two core facets that focus on identifying key challenges and relationship management for better development of the park in Australia. One of the nucleus highlights of this entire piece of study strand is going to be the key principles of sustainable development.

Momentary presentation on case study

In accordance with the introduced case study of "Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park”, the key constraints for sustainable destination include:

- Sustainable host communities

- Responsible consumption

- Collaborative partnerships (Berezina et al. 2016)

Question 1:

Key issues and challenges in managing the National park’s:

• Operations

Key challenge

The operational activities of this aboriginal national park are facing issues regarding social responsibilities. As per the view of Chen (2015), it can be sentenced that the operational challenges become more strenuous for sustainable development as it directly affects regional tourism approaches.  

It can be better accentuated with the exemplary presentation of case study.

Example from case study

The social responsibility for Anangu is greatly influenced that their working hour is made flexibly by keeping both social and religious obligations in mind. There are times while the Anangu have to go away for several weeks in order to attend the religious ceremonies. In fact, they have to go to honouring other family and social responsibilities. In such situation, the working requirements are handled by the Parks Australia (Fernandes, Brandão & Costa, 2018). 

Henceforth, it can be observed from the impeccable presentation of the park that in order to not making Anangu face disadvantage, Parks Australia undertakes responsibilities of operational activities (Daniels et al. 2018). This helps them in not affecting the overall management responsibilities of park due to social and religious ceremonial closures. On that note, it is to extend further that for minimising the disruptions to visitors of the park, Parks Australia has made this decision to take care of Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park during closures regarding ceremonial reasons (Robin, Pedroche & Astorga, 2017). 

• Resources

Key challenge

In case of resources, the major challenge for this national park is indicative towards dearth of knowledge among the visitors about utilisation of park’s resources. As opined by Kušcer, Mihalic & Pechlaner (2017), if there is inadequate knowledge regarding usage of resources, then it becomes quite complex to make worthy consumption.

The instance from case study is portrayed in below-mentioned manner.

Example from case study

In accordance with the historic standpoint of this national park and Anangu, the law of Tjukurpa holds elaborated information regarding usage of various resources. On that note, the effective stipulation of the law indicates containing the information based on landscape features of the park (Dimitriou & Sartzetaki, 2016). Such features encompass ecology, animals and plants as well as proper usage of areas within the park. For instance, in order to make commercial operations within park, there is an ultimate requirement of permit. The permit holds specific conditions for both issuing and cancellation (Jung, Jayakrishnan & Choi, 2017).  

Thus, it can be observed that the park is associated with personalised conditions regarding permit for commercial usage. The permit itself carries safety standardisation in order to protect the cultural values of Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park (Berezina et al. 2016). Hence, the key challenge related to resources is highlighting the accurate knowledge regarding appropriate usage of the resources, such as, permit and areas within park. 

• Brand image

Key challenge

Severe challenge for Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park, in case of brand image, is indicative of the lack of application of Anangu’s principle “Joint Management and Working together” by visitors. As influenced by Singh (2015), it can be propounded that application and adoption of traditional principle are indeed essential to be maintained for sustainable management. 

The specimen presentation from introduced case study is highlighted below. 

Example from case study

In accordance with the stereotyped perspective of Anangu, “Joint Management and Working together” is one of the accustomed principles, which is crucial for bringing influence of brand on zenith position. Joint management and working together is associated with accentuating the prodigy, according to which, learning from others is necessary in order to respect cultures of each other (Xuan, 2017). Moreover, with the help of this principle, innovative techniques can be found for bringing different ways of seeing and interpreting landscape and people together. However, the major issue is arriving with the visitors as they are inefficient in dragging the brand image of this park with application of the principle (Chen, 2015).

Therefore, it can be observed that the visitors are unable to adopt the staid principle of the park for enhancing brand image. In fact, the visitors are involved in less responsive to several other uniqueness, such as, moral systems, religion and law, of Anangu (Fernandes, Brandão & Costa, 2018). Hence, this phenomenon is one of the paramount barriers in order to summit brand image of Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park through scientific and cultural experience and knowledge. However, it can be overcome with making visitors aware of the ancient religious and cultural importance of the park (Daniels et al. 2018).   

Question 2:

Key principles of sustainable development

Sustainable development is all about the development that plays major role in meeting present needs, without compromising capability of future generation in order to meet their requirements. In the view of Robin, Pedroche & Astorga (2017), it can be accentuated that the sustainable development strategies help government in keeping forthcoming generations in mind along with considerable planning regarding social, environmental and economic goals.  

The core principles of sustainable development espouse:

- Holistic approach

- Social justice

- Inter-generational and intra-generational solidarity

- Sustainable management of resources

- Integration

- Social responsibility

- Utilisation of local resources

- Public participation

- Prevention and precaution

- Principle of polluter pays (Kušcer, Mihalic & Pechlaner, 2017)


In accordance with the broader stance of each of the principle of sustainable development, first and foremost is indicative of resources. In more vivid words, it contains the entropy as well as resource flows. It can be extended further that the flow of resources is observed through and within the economy. The next principle is associated with highlighting adoption and appropriateness in order to guide the economy. According to Dimitriou & Sartzetaki (2016), the economy is entirely aligned with the ecological processes of planet so that true and comprehensive biospheric pricing can be reflected. The consecutive principle is based on ensuring the pivotal diversity of each and every formation of life in the maintained biosphere (Jung, Jayakrishnan & Choi, 2017).   

The key principles of sustainable development can be prolonged with more widening views. The stipulation is as follows:

- Ecosystem conservation

- Conservation of biodiversity

- Society’s sustainable development

- Human resource conservation

- Control of population

- Enhancement in people’s participation

- Cultural heritage conservation

- Inclusion of carrying capacity of the Earth (Xuan, 2017)

Identification of ways for managing relationship between people, profit and the planet

In case of concatenating the efficacious approaches of managing relationship among people, profit and planet, it crucial to accentuate brand image of Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park. As influenced by the view of Chen (2015), it can be uttered that the brand image can be managed efficiently through ultimate focus on the profitability and stakeholders. In that case, the people of this park are external stakeholders and profitability is associated with the amount of monetary value, which is gained through promotion of park’s cultural knowledge and experiences (Fernandes, Brandão & Costa, 2018).

The Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park Aboriginal people (Anangu) believes that the ultimate relationship with planet can be established with the help of several strategic attempts regarding park operations (Daniels et al. 2018). The stipulation can be accentuated in a below-highlighted way: 

- Omission of relationships, in which, there is no permission to talk to or look at

- Prioritisation of old people over the young ones during process of decision-making

- Proper kind of work segregation for both men and women (Xuan, 2017)

The purposive agenda of strategies is to focus on:

- Commercial photography and filming

- Commercial operations, such as, tour guides and operators

- Enclosing the certain areas around base of Uluru for ensuring visitors to not enter into the restricted  sacred places inadvertently (Hospitality Daily, 2019) 

In an elongated manner, Uluru's relationship building with planet, people and profit can be pinnacled by including few principles of sustainable development, such as:

- Containing information regarding landscape features, plants and animals, ecology and park’s areas

- Provision of basis for the ultimate interpretation of this national park to the visitors

- Information regarding cultural and religious aspects that has been carried forward through generations and thus can be shared with the visitors (The Australian, 2019)

Examples from case study

In order to delve down into exemplary scenario of case study, foremost attempt is to expound conditions of Tjukurpa law. The knowledge regarding this law engulfs:

- Keeping Tjukurpa strong

- Taking care of health of both community and country

- Promoting this national park as the place of knowledge, learning and understanding about country, culture and custom

- Protecting cultural and natural environments of World heritage of park by keeping harmony of Australian economic and social aspirations in mind  

- Ensuring the hefty future of Anangu for park management

- Ensuring the benefit of Anangu from park existence (Tourism Australia, 2019)

The foundation of Tjukurpa law to Anangu’s life encircles:

- Past, present and future of Anangu

- Law, religion and moral systems of Anangu

- The time of creation while ancestral beings have created the world

- Relationship in between animals, plants, people and the physical features of land 

- Knowledge regarding the aforesaid relationships and their maintenance in regular life and the ceremony (World Tourism, 2019)

The foundation of Tjukurpa law for principle of “Joint Management and Working together” embrace:

- Watching country and making sure the observation of Tjukurpa

- Passing on knowledge to both young men and women

- Remembrance of past

- Thinking about the futuristic circumstances

- keeping Anangu safe

- Keeping visitors safe

- Teaching visitors about observation and respectful approaches to Tjukurpa

- Keeping men away from site of women and vice-versa

- Teaching the park’s staff members and other non-indigenous for better observation of Tjukurpa

- Making country alive with ceremony, stories and song

- Putting park facilities and roads in appropriate places for assuring safeguarded sacred places

- Keeping indigenous community safe and private (Hospitality Daily, 2019) 

Henceforth, it can be propounded that in order to build effective relationship in between people, profit and planet, Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park is required to be focused on improvement of its brand image through sharing knowledge related to cultural significance.  


It can be concluded that sustainable operations and destinations are indeed involved in nourishing the regional heritage with ultimate involvement of decision-making in tourism. This piece of study material has been affirmatively watchful to the significance of culture and religion on the development of tourism. The foremost phase of this learning paper has been effectively efficient in bringing the tactical ways, with the help of which, the identified issues in different criterion can be overcome. On that note, it can be portrayed as a conclusive statement that the park is mostly watchful to its heritage and religious importance and less aware of the promotion of brand image across the globe. One of the most engrossing aspects throughout this learning facet has been the representation of distinct exemplary situations in the case study. The bottom phase of the study, on the other hand, has been highly attentive to the adoption of strategies, through which, Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park can efficaciously establish the relationship in between people, profit and planet for sustainable development and being as the better destination for tourism.


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