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Performance Management Fundamentals Assignment Help

Critically evaluate the importance of performance management in a public or private sector organization within the UAE. Use recent research evidence (see course material, VLE, recommended textbooks and related references) as well as adopted practices by a UAE-based organization that you are familiar with to support your arguments.



Performance management these days have been considered as the most important form of strategy in an organization and in consideration to UAE they have been quite bend on implementing this strategy to monitor the performance of the employees as well as the productivity of the organization. The different factors of performance management will be critically analysed in this paper as well as demonstrating proper evidence of performance management in UAE. 

Performance management system

Performance management is extremely essential to bring success to any organization. There are various management techniques which are integrated within the organization to measure the performance with the output.  Performance Management System (PMS) has a lot of factors in consideration which influence performance management. In consideration to the PMS in UAE various improvements have been noticed over time. The implementation of the performance management has a lot of positive effects on the organization. In various studies (Arnaboldi et al., 2015) it has been evident that through the implementation of the performance management system in an organization it has been seen that a huge development is incurred at an organizational level rather than only on an individual level. The main factor of performance management is giving rewards for the work done (Arnaboldi et al., 2015). 

Performance management factors 

Employees devote their best performance to any organization based on how well they are recognised for the work that they have done. Employee satisfaction is the first step towards effective performance management. UAE public as well as private sectors are more concentrated towards making sure that their employees are satisfied. In regard to employee satisfaction it is important make sure that the poor performers are not chastised (Farouk and Jabeen, 2018). The corporate sectors have seen that the polices either applied internally or externally have a huge impact on the performance, so it is important to instigate behavioural changes within the organization to make sure that the outcome is productive enough to beat the competition in the market (Hvidman and Andersen, 2016).  

Initiated strategies for PMS

- Customer Focus Strategy- the organizations make customer satisfaction a priority which helps them to retain the customers. Like in the scenario of McDonald’s in UAE they implemented the strategy of low cost where they sell the food at a cheap cost in comparison to their competitors (Lu et al. 2016). 

- Productivity Improvisation Strategy- the main aim of any organization is to improve productivity of the organization. More the productivity more the profit or income (Lu et al. 2016). This can be done with the help of performance maximisation.  

Performance management has been considered a very essential form of management system as it boosts the overall organizational culture, productivity and the structure as a whole. 

Evidence from a local organization 

Abu Dhabi the capital of UAE has a lot of noticeable changes. The implementation of the Performance Management System has been noticed in the government organization called Department in Emirate (Malik et al., 2018) which is a part of Abu Dhabi (Rahman and Said, 2015). They have been initiating the plan of implementing the plan of PMS from the year of 2010 and they finally were successful in complete implementation in the year of 2016. The main factor that has helped the success of the PMS was the support of the whole management system. The main aim of this particular department is to bring in prosperity and success to UAE and especially Abu Dhabi. As the result, this organization updated a formal link for the appraisal system which was absent from the system earlier (Zeffane and Bani Melhem, 2017). Earlier the performance management system was integrated up to the corporate levels and the only development of the organizations were concerned where the needs of the employees were unnoticed. After the implementation of performance management, it has been seen in this Department in Emirate that the performance management system is also includes the benefits at an individual level. The organizations in Abu Dhabi are bending towards making organizations employee centric (Marvel, 2015). 


The different factors of implementing a performance management system has been discussed in this paper. The government organizations are taking a lot of initiatives in improving the performance by organizing training programs to develop the skills of the employees. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of the performance management system has been bringing a lot of success to the public and private sectors in UAE.


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