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Organizational Diversity Assessment Help

In your assessment of findings, be sure to evaluate how organizational cultures are perceived and how problem solving and creativity are promoted with organizational diversity. In your recommendations for the ELC, contrast the benefits and disadvantages of diversity, and establish the value of working through these issues to create a dynamic organizational culture. How will you channel this diversity and help create a positive atmosphere?

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Benefits of organizational diversity

Do businesses benefit from a homogenous work environment? Or do employees who work together in a heterogeneous environment yield better results for the growth of the company as a diverse team? This is the essence of the following paper that I am going to present today. Two dimensions under which diversity has been classified. The first dimension is consist of age gender, sexual orientation and many more. It mostly defines the difference in human being. These basically create the highest amount of consequence and can easily have a separate identity that can serve as a window for people to view the world. Secondary dimension is consists of knowledge, religious view, income and geological location. These are the factors that do not stand out through the first look and have a tendency to change over the years. These secondary dimensions of diversity are only noticed after some interactions occur between individuals.

Most organizations adopted an all-inclusive attitude to encounteradministrative and lawfulnecessities, which in recent years has become a plannedimportanceintended at puttingestablishments more competitively in the marketplace. as per the recent estimates, organizations spend about $8 billion yearly on diversity exercise.Officialdoms also dedicatecapitals to a variability of other diversity associatedcreativities at the workplace, countingdevoted diversity management operates and officeplans and provide aids such as supple working preparations, nationalspouseaids, corporate-sponsored workerempathyassemblies, and other agendasintended to entice and recall a variedlabor force (Choi & Rainey, 2014). Organizations are not bound to provide all of them. Yet they do so as they have trust thatmultiplicity is a commercialauthoritative stance and decent for the bottommost line. This assessment of the environment at Miami and Kansas City, intends to bring forth the benefits provided by organizational diversity.

Assessment of findings in Miami, FL

The South Floridan beach city of Miami is one of the most culturally diverse societies in all the Americas. With people thronging to the sunny, serene beaches of Miami, its population comprises of mainly the youth. Miami is considered as one of the most diverse city and the diversity has created a positive impact on the local community. Over 51% of its residents are belonging from foreign country, creating a multicultural community better and more flourishing. The uniqueness in the Florida community has created entrepreneurship and the overall population has seen a major boost lately. It has created a perfect environment for the homebuyers and particularly in the South Florida region. An economy which was originally strongly based on the tourism and real estate, it is surprising to see how the local economy has abled to diverse the business growth and at present wellbeing care and communalhelp, marketingoccupation, and lodging and sustenance services occupations are the three mainservicesegments for workforces in the Miami-Dade County. It has also been noticed that while older workers are traveling from outside the county to reach their workplace, younger workers are less likely to do so.

Therefore, the companies must make sure that accommodation is available for the workforce, close to their offices, to attract more hardworking and creative youth. Global entrepreneurs and companies are routinely relocating their businesses to Miami owing to the sturdy startup system, standing for belligerentgrowth, and bilingualpopulace; all of which helps to be on track with the changing global business trends.

Assessment of findings in Kansas City, MO

Kansas City at the western edge of Missouri is known for its barbecue, jazz heritage, fountains and more recently, a metropolitan area which is growing at a rate roughly comparable to the national average. From 2010-2014, it is projected that the city's population would grow from 2 million to 2.6 million. The boom in the office, retail, and institutional sectors are set to create new demand for commercial buildings of nearly 400,000 by 2040. By 2040, nearly a third of the population will be seniors while subgroups will account for more than 80% of the development. As per a market research which was conducted by Nelson point out the fact that most of the residents want to live in a place where the urban amenities will be available in a walking distance. A mixed cultural environment helps the community to create a better and more connected environment. Having the restaurants that provides all kinds of food from all around the world and having a shop that sells many different is a desire of the community. For the businesses, this means that the Kansas economy will see a boom in the goods and services sector.

Traditionally, the Kansas City region specializes in growth sectors like Information Technology and Finance. But there has been a steady decline in employment in the telecommunications sector which has been more than offset by growth in other sectors. Kansas City remains a strong transportation hub and they have done well at retaining most of their manufacturing jobs.However, the indicator of a healthy, growing economy, the Gross Domestic Product or the GDP has seen a steady lag since 2013. So now the question arises, with a strong goods and services sector and an ever-increasing population, why isn't the GDP of Kansas City keeping pace? The answer lies in the fact that the GDP isn't just about the number of jobs - it entails the value of the goods and services the people who hold those jobs, produce.

Instead of producing new, high-value goods and services, Kansas City is offering back-office supports for other areasthat are more groundbreaking and creative. So, to boost the KC economy, we need to work on the correlation between innovation and economic growth.

Recommendation for addressing these findings to the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) for review

After assessing the trends of both Miami and Kansas City, a few key measures come to mind in order to address the divergent findings of both these cosmopolitan cities:

An all-inclusive work environment:the world population has seen a major boost in the past couple of decades. People are having multiple skills and talents that belonging from different backgrounds are coming forward. The barriers that was once created by our society are fading away therefore it is a good option for the organization to recruit people from all the sectors of the society. With a variety of skills and experiences integrated among the team, employees can learn from each other and put the acquired knowledge to good use in their own field of work (Noe et al., 2017).

Fueling innovation and creativity: This is something that the business trends of Kansas City lack. Taking cue from Estée Lauder Companies UK & Ireland which inspires its idealisticworkers, who signify 70% of its labor force, to donate to the commerce'sgoals, as part of its GenNEXT initiative; the companies can ensure that diversity becomes essential to the company'sdrive to influencecustomers in an dependablemethod, by answeringefficiently to clienteles, enticing and retentive of high skilledstaffs, authorizingsquads to cooperate, levitationoutput, future-proof their trades, and, eventually, bringmaintainabledevelopment (Ayad, 2016).

However, all this can only be done when there is adequate and proper coordination among the team members and with proper management of their varying points of view regarding a matter. So, to put the recommendations in effect, the businesses need a strong, respondent, responsible and unfazed leadership that can take decisions without hesitation and by weighing out the greater good. It isimperative of an organizational leader to ensure equality and due appreciation at the workplace as staffs are more probable to sensecontented and content in asetting where inclusivity is an importance. Having parity is perhaps one of the best things that can ever happen to an organization, it will not only encourage the employee to work harder but also help the society to create a better environment. Therefore, it lies on the leader's shoulders to up the morale of the employees. After all, the advanced the squadconfidence, the more fecund the workers will be (Hickman & Silva, 2018).

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