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Leadership Assignment Help

For this assessment you are asked to identify ONE leader who has influenced you. This might be someone you have worked with, or a more public figure.

For this person you should

- Analyse the TYPE of leader they are/were

- Analyse the leadership STYLE they adopted, fitting this to theories of leadership

- Identify elements of learning from this leader that you might adopt in your own practice.

You will be expected to provide (possibly anecdotal) evidence and reference appropriately to substantiate your analysis

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A good leadership is important within the organisation as the leader helps the organisation to achieve their goals or aims. An effective leader would help the employees to motivate while in work. Leadership is considered the most important function for an organisation as they would help the organisation to attract more customers and increase their profits. The study found that The transformational leadership would help the employee in solving different types of issues or conflicts that would arise within the organisation. Creation of strategies could help the employees in increasing their productivity and provide the right direction to the employees. Leaders follow important values and the principles which would be required to implement any action in an organization.

Critical analysis of transformational leadership

In this leadership style, there is a positive impact on the employees who are working under them. The followers of these leaders felt trusted to work with them, the follower admires the leaders and they were loyal to them. As these leaders are having a positive impact so, the employees are willing to work harder with them. Under the transformational leader, the employees are able to create; various innovative ideas as well as they would be able to share their views and ideas. A transformational leader provides equal chance to their employees in sharing their ideas (Hoch et al. 2018). These transformational leaders are having various negative points such as keeping their ego. The leaders are having the ability to take difficult decisions and take the right risks. They entertain new ideas that would be profitable for the businesses as well as the organisation (Banks et al. 2016). This type of leadership helps the employees to increase their performances and make them more committed to the organisation and their customers. The transformational leader helps the employees in providing a right direction in order to achieve their goals. This would help the employees of the organisation in contributing their attention to the organisation. This type of leadership would help the employees in taking ownership of all types of consequences that would take place within the organisation (Farahnak et al. 2019).

The transformational leadership would help the employee in solving different types of issues or conflicts that would arise within the organisation. This enables the employees to achieve the alignment in between objective of organisation as well as the individuals who are working within the organisation (Dong et al. 2017). The transformational leader motives people in reaching their goals as well as deliver to their vision. For example, Steve Jobs is considered a transformational leader who helped and motivated their employees in achieving the right goals. He provided all right direction to the employees who worked under him and took all the right risks. According to Bronk and McLean (2016), Steve Jobs did not meet the benchmark of being a transformational leadership as he was not the person who changed views of the employees who worked under him. Steve Jobs was a leader to created, produced and sold innovative products to his target customers. Steve jobs never respected the views and ideas of his employees but his employees respected a lot as the employee learned various new ideas that were important for the organisation. His unique as well as effective approaches helped the organisation to shape their views and ideas and achieve their future goals.

Leadership style they have adopted

Transformational leadership style can be adopted by creating an inspiring goal that would help the organisation to reach their future goals. This type of leadership can be adopted by motivating the employees as well as inspiring the customers. According to Ghasabeh et al. (2015), this type of leadership helps in building a strong relationship with the employees as well as their customers. Few steps would help to become a transformational leadership such as:

- By creating a supportive environment where the responsibilities are shared within the employees

- By encouraging the actions and performance that would help the organisation to achieve their goals rather than any personal interests

- Creation of strategies that would help the employees in increasing their productivity and provide the right direction to the employees

- By earning trust, respect as well as admiration from the employee who are working under them

- By influencing the business impacts as well as performances in order to meet the expectation

- Personalizing the management styles within the organisation

- Encouraging creative ideas that are provided by the employees

- Providing right guidance to the employee

- By becoming a role model for the employees who are working under them

The CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs was known as the most innovative and influential leader. According to Ezzat et al. (2017), he was not only the founder of Apple or Pixar but he was considered the leader of various other organisations that were most powerful in the country. He adopted the transformational leadership style by motivating his employees and providing equal chance in sharing their views and ideas. Steve jobs was considered as transformational leaders as he was a role model for his employees, motivated, inspired and guided the employees with proper direction. He helped the organisational people in making effective strategies and goals. These effective strategies helped the employees in reaching their goals as well as attracting the attention of customers. According to Ma (2016), he was considered to be a transformational leader because he expressed all these ideas with his employees and communicated confidently with the employees. Effective communication with the employees helped the organisation to achieve their goals and improve their working skills. Steve Jobs was considered most arrogant leader and most of his employees were afraid of him. He used to attract the employees who made mistakes but his employees used to respect him. He used to give support in providing resources and removed the barriers while achieving their goals. He used to approach all kinds of problems that would arise in the organisation and learned more opportunities. He used to value independent thinking as well as he rewarded the employee who used to work hard and achieved all the organisational goals.

Learning elements from this leader

Transformational leadership helped the employees to achieve their targets in an organization. These leadership qualities would influence the followers to implement their own ideas in any organization (Ghasabeh et al. 2015). This leadership would help the organization to use their ideas to improve the culture of an organization. The followers of this leadership would provide the mission to encourage the employees to gain their own identity in an organization. The employees who would follow these leaders would help them to gain respect in an organization. Transformation Leadership involves the long-term relationship between the leaders and the employees. Leaders basically play as an ideal model to motivate other employees for becoming future leads.

Leaders follow important values and the principles which would be required to implement any action in an organization. The basic component which would be required for the transformation leadership includes encouragement and motivation of the employees to gain confidence to become a leader in an organization. Important part of the transformational leadership would include exceptional communication skills because leaders should transfer his speech with accuracy and sense of authority. Transformational leadership would give importance to creativity among the leader's followers. The leader in an organization should encourage the employees to be creative and include them in the decision- making process of an organization. Employees of an organization would understand the concept of motivation, self awareness and social skills.

In addition to it, Self- awareness can be referred from a leader as to understand one's own emotions, weaknesses, goals that should be retrieved by an employee, example of which can be considered in this case would be manager. Manager can understand the tight deadlines in their teammates work and how they need to plan his work so that it can be completed in a stipulated amount of time. Based on the discussions on the aforesaid topics, it can be mentioned that, self- regulation among the employees would include to control one's emotions and drive towards the integrity and trustworthy in an organization. Motivation among the employees would encourage them to achieve their goals in an organization. It would help the employees to accept the new challenges in the work and understand the failure in their work. As a result, employees would find new ways to find solutions for specific kind of problem in an organization. As commented by Ezzat et al. (2017), Listening with empathy would help the leaders to understand the employee's situation especially in the decision-making process. Social skill would help the leaders to manage the relationship with different employees in the particular direction to promote growth in an organization.


From the above study, it can be concluded that communication skills play a vital role in the leadership qualities of any organization. First of all, the importance of good leadership quality was discussed within an organization. Analysis of transformational leadership was helpful to identify the impact of leaders thought on the employees of an organization. The leadership style which we have considered for the transformational leadership was discussed in this study. We have learnt about the different elements for transformational leadership such as self- awareness, motivation, empathy and social skills among the employees of a company. Employees have the opportunity to learn a lot of things from the leaders of an organization.

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