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ITECH 5500 Professional Research and Communication Assignment Help

- Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project.

- Determine the role IT research plays in contributing to organisational innovation, and success.

- Critique advanced communication theory for organisations.

- Identify appropriate research philosophies for IT projects, which match organisational approaches.

- Identify appropriate methodologies and methods, for an organisational IT research project.

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Technological Industry has been one of the gradual growing industry and has not witnesses any downfall in the last few years. The growth and development of the technology has been accompanied by IT up gradation and enhancement of the working of the same. Information Technology is one of the key ingredients of technological inventions and has been contributing well in the modernisation of the medical industry. The tools and techniques of Information Technology includes the neural and fuzzy system, intelligent control system, telemedicine machine learning, data stream mining and many others. The increasing health issues among people has been demanding some advanced technological inventions which has been concentrated in the research widely (Burke & Hall, 2015). The techniques has been well utilised for enhancing the working of the respective industries. Telemedicine and its services are one of the vital consideration of the research which would be explored and acknowledged on the criteria of its techniques and applications along with the enhancement of the health care sector in the coming years. The research would provide clear identification of the techniques which needs to be applied for enhancing the telemedicine services and thus, making it a productive and well utilised technological invention in almost all parts of the world (Böhm et al. 2016). The significance of telemedicine and of the various techniques would be stated through the research by providing the benefits of its applications and the techniques it utilises or could utilise in future. The research would follow a channelized path which would explore the concepts of telemedicine stream in detail and develop the base of the research, this would be followed by the methodology that is to be followed for the execution and presentation of the research. The research would also provide a clear discussion on the findings and the possibilities of the research and its applications and techniques aligning it with the research motive which would help in understanding the significance of the research.

Research Questions

The research questions would be as follows:

1. What are the basic concepts and description of Telemedicine?

2. Telemedicine could help in enhancing the medical and health services through new techniques, what are those techniques?

3. How reliable is the telemedicine services and the future techniques to be applied in the services would enhance the service quality and accuracy, what is the probability of it?

4. What are the recommendations for improving the services of the Telemedicine and increase its acceptability and practice?

Literature Review

Incorporation of Telemedicine in Health care Sector

As per Mehrotra et al. (2016), Health care sector is an important sector as the human resource industry is impacted by it hugely. The inter connection between the two industries has been quite direct and thus, in order to enhance the human resource sector, health care sector has to function accurately. The working of the health care sector is quite wide and the accuracy of the sector has to be specific as it is a criteria sector to be worked on. Technology has been providing each sector with some new and innovative ways of enhancing the activities and so it has provided in the health industry. According to Fortney et al. (2015), Health industry utilising the technological inventions has been increasing the efficiency and improvement in the services has been experienced through it. Telemedicine is one of the effective and accurate inventions of technology in the health sector which helps in practicing the care of patients remotely as and when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. In simple words it has been stated by De et al. (2017), that the medical services which could be provided without being physically present with the patient, could be termed as telemedicine. The modernisation of the technology has been providing such scenarios and situations where the doctors has been enabled for treating the patients for providing consultation by using HIPAA compliant video conferencing tools. These techniques or tools are the most common and simple ways of providing the telemedicine services. Telehealth involves the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows long distance patient/clinician contact and care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring and remote admissions (Doolittle & Spaulding, 2017). Health sector has acknowledged and took over the technological invention for providing the effective services and is looking for enhancing the quality of services as it is a cost saving technology from both the ends. Cost saving has been the major benefit of the technology and it has been providing the service with identification and sustaining capability.

Techniques to be adopted by Telemedicine for enhancement of services

According to Fierson et al. (2015), telemedicine has been gearing through the years and this has been the consequence of the effective and accurate services of the technology. The techniques and the tools which are utilised by telemedicine are specific and the enhancement and addition of the same has been aimed at, which is expected to be achieved in the next few years. The recently utilised techniques of telemedicine includes the conference calls, HIPAA complaint video and others. These tools has been providing the technology with some new and innovative ways of servicing and thus the satisfaction of the customers or the patients has been on an increasing trend. In the health care sector the technological inventions has to be specific and accurate in nature as a minor issue with the service could lead to hazardous consequences and this states that telemedicine has been one of the specific tools. As per Lilly et al. (2017), the telemedicine services could be delivered through three types of services which includes Store and forward services, remote monitoring and real time interactive services. These three types of telemedicine services has been providing the technology with productive and satisfactory results or patients and thus the enhancement of the service is required. Moreover, inventions in pharmacy work has made pharmacists work very easy. The easy work out and the execution of the actions has been the contribution of the technologies and the new and updated techniques has been serving the people with satisfactory services.

Research Methodology

The conduction of the research could be done through Quantitative and Qualitative methodology or through applying both the methodologies that is mixed methodology. The research exploring the health care sector needs to be presented in a simple and understandable manner which could be done through the Quantitative and Qualitative methodology. This means that the research would be conducted through mixed methodology as the Quantitative methodology would help in providing the graphical representation of the information and data which would simplify the research for the readers. On the other hand, Qualitative methodology would help in providing clear understanding of telemedicine through stating the views and concepts of various authors and writers. The theoretical information would provide the research to be informative and accurate in its approach (Clemensen et al. 2017). The mixed methodology needs to be accompanied by the primary and secondary data both as the primary data would help in acknowledging the experience of utilising telemedicine while the secondary would help in gathering the theoretical applications of the same. The research would be conducted through a survey of some of the elderly person or the customers of telemedicine services and the secondary data would be collected through the journals, articles and website. The research design would be explanatory in nature while the approach would be abductive and the philosophy would be positivism. These ingredients would help the research to be accurate and specific in its results and conclusions. The ethical consideration would also be included in the research for making it authentic and acceptable at large.


According to Chang (2015), Health industry utilising the technological inventions has been increasing the efficiency and improvement in the services has been experienced through it. Telemedicine is one of the effective and accurate inventions of technology in the health sector which helps in practicing the care of patients remotely as and when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. The technology is pushing health care sector ahead for the wellbeing of human beings. The research would provide the health sector with some specific and particular solution to the telemedicine services and the enhancement of the service would provide the sector with new and wide range of techniques.

The store and forward type of telemedicine surpasses the need for the medical practitioner to meet in person with a patient. Instead, data such as medical images or biosignals can be sent to the specialist as needed when it has been acquired from the patient. As per Gillespie et al. (2019), the technique saves the time and the cost of the patient as well as of the service providers. The other techniques that has been acknowledged in the research would provide with some new solutions to the telemedicine services. The research explores the entire telemedicine service in the accurate manner and along with it the robotics services and the new technological services in this concern has been providing the customers with satisfactory and demanding services. The section of the research methodology and the survey that would be conducted would provide specific results and analysis of the technologies acceptance and the future would be stated through it. The secondary data would also add on to the specification of the same. Telemedicine as a wide service that can share medical data from one part of earth to its other end. It also suggests that how telemedicine can help the people where there is lack of well-trained doctors. In the absence of these specialist the patient can be diagnosed with the appropriate equipment with well trained professional who can assist further to specialist doctor sitting far away or in any other country. The innovations are eliminating geographical boundaries and any other differences. The main hurdle to the above-mentioned innovation is the rule and regulations of the other country to which the patient belongs. In UK government's Audit Commission (2001) report says that robots had reduced dispensing errors and also improved the pharmacy efficiency. Robot performed various tasks such as stocking, inventory and purchasing etc. This invention also needs to be improved because it also has some drawbacks such as loading and mechanical difficulties. The methodologies of the research has been quite specifically selected which has added on to the quality of the research and thus, the acceptability probability of the research has also increased.

It is expected and stated by Ng (2018), that the future of telemedicine or the technological services in any domain or industry has a wide and broad aspect of success and expansion because of the changing lifestyle and the respective of the people. The people has been aiming at achieving wide goals in a shorter time period which has been impacting their choices and decisions. The health sector along with the other sectors is expected to be impacted by it at large and thus, the electronic medical services and consultation could actually progress on a faster scale. Though the people are very specific about the health activities and thus, this adds on to the pressure of the industry and the technologies being used in it, but the technological industry has been observed to follow the rules and the consideration of the sensitive area that health sector holds. According to Yusif et al. (2017), Health industry utilising the technological inventions has been increasing the efficiency and improvement in the services has been experienced through it. Telemedicine is one of the effective and accurate inventions of technology in the health sector which helps in practicing the care of patients remotely as and when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. In simple words it has been stated by Giordano et al. (2017), that the medical services which could be provided without being physically present with the patient, could be termed as telemedicine. The modernisation of the technology has been providing such scenarios and situations where the doctors has been enabled for treating the patients for providing consultation by using HIPAA compliant video conferencing tools. The accuracy and the specification of the technologies that could be utilised in the telemedicine services through the research would help in understanding and accepting the tool. The techniques and the tools of telemedicine needs to be developed in an accelerated form as the health sector has been demanding the same and this would be clear form the survey and the secondary data that would be presented in the research. The increasing demand of the advanced technologies in the health sector as well as in the other sectors should be closely acknowledged whose glimpse would be presented in the research.


The research on exploring the telemedicine has provided with some issues in the marketing or the applicability of the technology and this would be provided with some effective solutions and reasons for the same. The methodology of the research has been selected accurately through understanding the function and features of all the ingredients and the most suitable one has been chosen. The survey of the customers of telemedicine would help in understanding the needs of the customers and the telemedicine services could be enhanced through new techniques and the secondary data would help in providing the view and perspectives of the various authors. The research would be conducted through following the main objectives of the research along with the methodology and the path that has been stated. This would provide the research with some effective and accurate conclusions. The questionnaire of the survey would be framed in a way that the telemedicine would be provided with some promotional and acceleration in its applications. The wide and broad concept of telemedicine has not been explored well by the people and this has brought in the requirement of the research.

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