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Interactionism, Behaviorism, Identity Theory & Epiphenomenalism Assignment Help

Please state which theory of the mind you prefer from: Descartes Interactionism, Behaviorism, Identity Theory & Epiphenomenalism. You will also need to give reasons in defense of your position.

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Descartes Interactionism: As per belief theory of René Descartes, interactionism is a dualist position of mind and advocates that although mind and body are separate, there is a casual interaction between the two.

Behaviorism: It is a psychological study wherein it is believed that all behaviors are a result of conditioning acquitted through various stages of life and thus, external environmental elements are instrumental in shaping our behaviors and actions.

Identity Theory: Identity theory is a study on the relationship between mind and body. This theory advocates that our mental states is linked to the state of activities going in the brain and thus are linked (Crane, 2019).

Epiphenomenalism: this is a theory which states that biochemical and physical events happen in our body due to the situation and position of mind-body problems. This theory takes into cognizance of sensory organs and impulses like neural and muscle contractions etc. into the study and tries to relate to other reactions and events which form a mental event.

Going by the theory of Epiphenomenalism, we understand that subjective mental events are existent on the corresponding events and reactions in the human body such as physical and biochemical events (Yulinda, 2018). Thus, external physical events are typically nonexistent in the sense that they do not affect. According to this theory, external events do not hold and power to start any reaction or mental change in the body and thus any physical events are immaterial. if we take an example of a feeling of fear, wherein as per general belief normally the heartbeat increases due to feeling of fear, according to the theory of Epiphenomenalism, such an act is caused solely due to increased secretions of the brain and nervous system and not due to the experience of fear. due to logical and scientific reasoning behind the reactions, I would advocate the theory of Epiphenomenalism.

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