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Important performance factors/dimensions that can be used to evaluate the employees include:

Timeliness of work completion - This is important for the organization as it helps in delivering the work on a timely basis in accordance with the schedule. Timely execution of tasks often saves resources, manages client satisfaction, and maintain the qualities in accordance to the customer's requirements within the deadline (Bastida, Marimon&Tanganelli, 2017). Timeliness should be considered for evaluation because it recognizes the employees who can produce work within time and meet the deadlines.

Customer service - This dimension enables the company to meet criteria of excellent service by providing them appropriate and timely information. Within this dimension, the employees were also engaged in collecting feedback and evaluating the customer's experience (Pan & Nguyen, 2015). This should be considered for evaluation because it reflects the performativity of the employee in building a trustworthy relationship with customers and retaining them with loyalty.

Self-reliance - It ensures that ‏employees can fulfil the job responsibilities. These employees use evidence is to collect information about working standard and product information. They were also engaged in finding mitigation strategies to the existing problems at the workplace, which in turn helps the organization to maintain the effectiveness (Mislevy, Haertel, Riconscente, Rutstein&Ziker, 2017). This performance dimensions must be evaluated such that the employees' capability can be recognized in conjunction with the achievement of organizational objectives.

The quantity of work - This refers to the quantity or amount of work that was produced by the employee in routine curriculum. This dimension enables the employees to maintain the work overload as well as execute the task within the given deadline (Saad, Cleveland, &Ho, 2015). This is important to be evaluated because it reflects the volume of work that can be undertaken by a given employee. It also recognizes the hard work contributed by the employee.

Teamwork contribution - This dimension is important for the organization because it renders team cohesion and unity at the workplace. This includes clear and transparent communication flows, maintaining a trustworthy relationship with coworkers, and offering constructive criticism for the improvement of team's outcome (Bal&Firat, 2017). This is important for evaluation because it identifies the competency of the employee in working as a team, contributing as a team member, and maintaining a positive environment at the workplace.
Adding skills and capabilities - This attribute is important for the organization because it enhances the competency level of existing employees. Within this dimension, the employee must be engaged in continuous learning and improving the existing competencies. As a result of which, the employees are likely to be involved in change management and adopting the improved working style that can help the organization to achieve its objectives. Evaluation of this attribute should be included because it reflects the attitude of employees in learning new things and cooperating with change management (Mislevy, et al., 2017).

Two performance dimensions which are important two successful job performance includes (i) customer service and (ii) teamwork contribution. The measurable attributed associated with these performance dimension are further discussed in the preceding section.
Within the customer service dimension, the measurable attributes include:

(A) 20 employees were engaged in resolving queries of customers, providing the requested information, and assist them in making purchase decisions. They were also concerned with the collection of feedback. This helps them to rate the customer satisfaction level and further improve their service to achieve better experience. These employees are effective in achieving organizational objectives. Furthermore, there also contributing to return the competitive advantage in the market, by retaining loyal customers.

(B) 10 employees were actively engaged in resolving the issues with quick measures. This includes answering telephone calls, email, and responding to their complaints (Wu, Sears, Coberley, & Pope, 2016). However, these employees were not concerned about the satisfaction level achieved by customers.

(C) 5 employees were not concerned about the customer satisfaction level. These employees were found only to be involved in the selling of the products and increase the sales figures. Often, this attitude results in losing loyal customers. These employees are thus concerned with achieving the sales target, however, their performativity can reduce the market image of the organization in future.

Within the teamwork contribution, the measurable attributes include:

(A) 12 employees were found to have a trustworthy relationship with coworkers, as revealed by a group survey. They maintained the appropriate attitude during delegation and negotiation with coworkers (Pan & Nguyen, 2015). Furthermore, they were also found to be engaged in constructive group discussion, supporting coworkers during routine responsibilities, and distribute the combined work in accordance with their capabilities (Bal&Firat, 2017). The teamwork contribution thus helps in task completion within the deadline.

(B) 18 employees were found to work together, only when the leaders asked them to accomplish the task together. ‏These employees share information with each other, only if, it is concerned with the combined objective (De Jong, Dirks& Gillespie, 2016). The flow of communication is appropriate among these employees however, they found to have a high level of negotiation.

(C) 5 employees were found to have the least interaction with coworkers. These employees are involved in their self-responsibilities and are not concerned about difficulties or issues faced by their co-workers (Bal&Firat, 2017). Often these employees were found to execute the task within the given deadline, however, they are least bothered about team dynamics.

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