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HLSC604 Quality and Safety in Healthcare Assignment Help

Reflect on and analyse the differences and similarities between a national (Australian) and an international quality and safety accreditation organisation and compare the impact of raising quality and safety standards on both a national and international basis. You should include an element of person- centred care when addressing the concept of raising quality and safety standards.

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There has been a huge change in the modern healthcare system with the rise of digital technology and modern equipment. However, ensuring patient safety in any healthcare organisation needs to be the main emphasis as any damage can be very costly. Australia does have one of the most affordable and best healthcare services as it is controlled by all four major levels of the government. These are federal, local, territory and state. In Australia the cost of healthcare is also minimum as it has been said by its government. This study would highlight the major similarities and differences of an Australian healthcare organisation "Royal Melbourne hospital" with other international organisations like Penta Hospitals International. In addition to this, the need for raising quality and safety standards would be provided as per the international standards.

Differences and similarities between a national and international quality and safety accreditation organisation

Admitting in a healthcare organisation, patient do trust and hope that they would be provided with the highest care possible. Royal Melbourne hospital has been one of the medical care facilities providing responsive and personalised therapies to care users in Australia. The organisation was established in the year 1848 and has been funded by the government. On the other hand in comparison to this Penta Hospitals International has been another health organisation that has been operating in the regions of eastern Europe and do have more than 65 care units that does include 33 hospitals. This International organisation has been operating in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. There have been at least 5% of total care users do suffer from some kind of infections as per the estimation done by the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control). In contrast to this, in Penta Hospitals International, there have been appropriate measures that have been taken in by the healthcare authorities that has minimised any kind of infections. Penta Hospitals International has been working on a new system of closed-loop spinal cord system bringing in better care services for the patients suffering from neurological diseases. Penta Hospitals International on the other hand has been one of the most effective healthcare service provider bringing in safety and care for care users. Penta Hospitals International has been known to provide palliative care and has also been ranked as one of the most efficient healthcare organisations in bringing in accessibility to healthcare along with care quality. As argued by Brown et al. (2016), it has been evident that healthcare organisations such as the Royal Melbourne hospital are bound follow the schemes of safety standard that are approved by the QIP. It is one of the Australian government agencies that ensure that all the services that are provided in a care unit in Australia do focus on the needs of care users and the standard of healthcare.

It has been found that in Penta Hospitals International there are at least 8 % to 12 % of cares users are admitted in healthcare facilities for suffering from acute illness (, 2019). Risk management has been one of the top most priorities of Penta Hospitals International as the organisation does have a separate risk management team for taking care of users that require immediate health relief. Based on the information gathered from the viewpoint of Magrabi, Ong & Coiera (2016), it can be stated that in European nations litigation is one of the essential drivers that brings in safety and care. On the other hand, Royal Melbourne hospital does follow the norms that have been presented by the NSQHS (National Safety and Quality Health Service). As per the norms of NSQHS a healthcare organisation in Australia needs to protect care users from any kind of harm, improve provision of healthcare quality, provide mechanism for quality assurance and ensure the minimum standards for safety. In comparison to the data, Penta Hospitals International does a considerable amount of investment for improving their services as it has been found that 1745 USD billion was invested by the western European nations for health and safety in medical care.

In Royal Melbourne hospital the care users do enjoy this scheme as without PBS the prices would get higher. The population that goes for the treatment in Royal Melbourne hospital are mostly covered with medicare that does cover all the major costs incurred while getting treatment. Including the cost, healthcare users are also provided with medical specialists and GPs. On the other hand in comparison to the international standards in the Penta Hospitals International has been the sole body that provides funding for the healthcare services. As per the European Commission report, it has been found that 17% of the total population who have gone through any surgery has never been asked for any type of consent (, 2019). Thus it has been observed that the consent of the care users while doing the survey was not given much importance.

Impact of raising quality and safety standards

In recent years there have been new innovations that have helped in raising the standards of care services in healthcare facilities in Australia. Royal Melbourne hospital has been working with engineers and clinicians for bringing in high-end medical facilities. As argued by Antão et al. (2016), it can be stated that the essence of optimal safety and positive experience are the fundamental needs of care users before taking admission in a care setting. In the international context, in Penta Hospitals International it has been found that poor services does damage care user experience and also affect the cost incurred. There has been a cost and argument on the issues that are often overlooked by care facilities as some of these problems do not visible in an open eye. In Australia, the government does play a huge role in setting healthcare policies of private organisations such as the Royal Melbourne hospital. There have been multiple reports of deficiency for the fundamental needs such as nutrition, hydration, and assistance to eat in Penta Hospitals International. Care users also do complain about the hygiene of care settings as there have been multiple instances where care users were not provided with proper bed clothing and oral care.

Based on the information gathered from the viewpoint of Coventry, Maslin-Prothero & Smith (2015), it can be stated that there has been an absence of guidelines that has resulted for such a kind delivery standards in private care settings. However, in Royal Melbourne hospital it has been found after the introduction of care standards there has been a rapid decrease in the number of fatalities. As suggested by Edvardsson, Watt & Pearce (2017), it can be stated that improving quality of care and setting high standards can bring aspiration and positivity. Therefore, recognising quality standards needs to be the optimal priority for organisations like Royal Melbourne hospital. There has been enough evidence that proves that in order to bring effectiveness in Royal Melbourne hospital there is a requirement to accelerate professional development. The care unit has been using performance indicators for evaluating health of a care user admitted. As argued by Dyrbye et al. (2017), there are also some external measures such as collaborative audits, professional regulation, public media and government inspections that can help in the improvement of care facilities. The organisation has been showing great developments as the employees do intent to show high rate of interest for commuting to the care users bringing in new technologies that can be accessed with the help of smart phones easily. There are as much as 27 different technologies that have been utilised by the organisational authorities that also different other services like Google analytics.

Improving medical care facilities would impact life expectancy as of the data gathered the projected life expectancy by the year 2022 would be 74.4 in comparison to 73.5 of 2018 (Heggdal, Oftedal & Hofoss, 2018).There have been a rise in communicable diseases worldwide, such as malaria, AIDS, Ebola and there have been reported deaths of 940,000 only in the year of 2017. However, improving sanitation and living conditions can minimise the impact of these diseases. This is evident as with the use of new vaccines there has been a downfall in the deaths of patients worldwide due to malaria. Increasing accessibility to treatment has resulted in minimising deaths as well as harmful infections. The Australian government has been facing another challenge for the management of growing chronic conditions. Royal Melbourne hospital in Australia has taken many initiatives to meet the health and medical needs of the people by national approach for implementing new healthcare policies. In the viewpoint of Feo & Kitson (2016), it can be said that maintenance of a safe environment in care settings do reflect compassion level and improves patient's welfare. There have been multiple evidences that organisations have been using indicators for patient safety. This has been successful in minimising the stay of care users as multiple resources are used for providing high quality services bringing in better care.

Person centred care for raising quality and safety standards

Person centred care can be explained as the community using health care system along with social services where the necessities of the public is monitored and modified to meet the demands. It has been observed that in this type of safety standards, all the demands are not provided to the patient and his family, but they are in the centre of the decision for the ongoing treatments.



In case of Royal Melbourne hospital, the person centred care is more time consuming in nature whereas in the Czech, the hospitality sector regarding the person centred care is less time consuming. On the other hand, it has been observed in case of Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic, they are lacking in factors like co-ordination of care are not demonstrated properly due to which they are lagging behind in time. Often times it happens that the disagreement regarding the procedure of the treatment between health care professionals and the patient often leads to lack of time regarding the treatment. As per the contradictory views of Bazzano, (2016) it can be said as the Australia has some of the best health care systems in comparison to some other part of the world like Czech Republic. This it can be said that due to the problems faced by the international organisation, they are lacking in their responsibilities in respect to time.

Personalised care

Royal Melbourne hospital is a prominent name in Australian hospitality sector than Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic. The organisation focuses on the personalised treatment in respect to various types of therapies where the health care professionals like doctors, nurses and other caregivers caters to the needs of the patients. In hospitality sectors like Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic, it has been evident that there are often disagreements between caregivers and patients in person centred care. On the other hand as opined by Heggdal, Oftedal & Hofoss, (2018), the difference of opinion and lack of clarity regarding the treatment procedure has lead to change in perspective of both the involved parties which has further contributed on the irrelevancy of personalised care. Therefore it can be concluded that the personalised care is more efficient in Australia more than Penta Hospital International.

Monetary issues

The health care services provided by the professional in Royal Melbourne hospital are of high quality but at a comparatively low price. Australia is well known for providing quality services in person centred care though the services provided are not costly whereas other international hospitals like Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic can be quite costly on respect to Australia (Rocha & Espírito Santo, 2019). In case of Penta Hospital International, it has been evident that there are issues along with risks regarding the progress which is incrementing the money needed for the treatment procedure.


Person centred communication

One of the most similar aspects about the hospitality sector is that the applicability of effective communication. Though in case of Czech Republic and caregiving centres like Penta Hospital International, patients and doctors often end up in disagreement, but they are still able to communicate effectively to understand the situation.

Patient involvement

In both the hospitality sector of Australia and Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic, it has been observed that the patients and the caregivers are equally involved. The patients are in the centre of the decisions and they are fully aware about the procedures that will be undertaken during the treatment phase.

Shared decision making

The decisions involved in regard to person centred care, in the case of both Australian care centre, Royal Melbourne hospital and other international hospital sectors like Penta Hospital International in Czech Republic, it has been observed there is active preparation in decision making process from both the parties. It includes both medical personnel and the patient along with his family. Thus, organisations from around the world in case of person centred treatment are involved in decision making.


After the assessment of the study it can be concluded that Australia does provide high emphasis on the provision of medical care facilities in comparison to the other regions of the world. In this study the major differences and similarities has been highlighted with the international standards of healthcare. Healthcare has been one of the top most priorities of the Australian government that has resulted in bringing in multiple policies and care facilities. Organisations such as the Royal Melbourne hospital and Penta Hospitals International have been working for the development of high end technology in medical facilities. Person centred care proves to be more time consuming as compared to the European countries.  

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