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Foundations Of Early Childhood Assignment Help

Considering your own early childhood, which theorist would you like to have had as your teacher? Explain with reference to the details of that theory. How would this theory align with the precepts of your own religious background? How would it align or differ from a Biblical, Christian worldview? Discuss. 

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The early childhood development is mainly influenced through the experiences and the interaction programs where the theories have been emerging to handle the intense research for the development of children. This includes the social development of the children with the behavioural child development theories and the psychoanalytic child development theories etc. There have been explanation that includes the different social, cognitive and the growth or the emotional factors. Here, the theory discussion will be on reviewing Piaget cognitive development theory which will help in overviewing about the different factors and the concepts. The selection is to apply the teaching and the learning practices for the educational standards. Jean Piaget developed on the theory for the Cognitive child development which helps in defining over the patterns that are worked upon with differences from that of the parents. 


Piaget theory has been effectively able to understand the child play which an active role is to obtain the knowledge and the observation for the children. The explanation is about the developmental phase of the child and then involving the cognitive structures that have been defined for the networking concepts and the mental maps for the schemes to perceive and understand (Barrouillet, 2015). The cognitive structures are set with the networked concepts and the mental mapping to perceive and understand about the physical experiences in the surroundings. The explanation is about the factors with complex mental activities than the simple reflexes. Piaget has been highly influential for the “child development and learning” which includes the discussion on the different stages where the sensorimotor stage begins from birth till two years of age. There are different preparation stages that involves the age 2-7 with the concrete operational age for 7-11. The stage is when the child is able to build the different concepts which is depending upon the physical interaction and perceiving the reality for the voluntary standards. The stage of the child is totally unaware of any of the object permanence and includes the physical objective factors which are completely out of sight. There have been standards for the concrete physical situations that includes the physical experiences that tend to accumulate on the concrete operations. The child is also capable to build and work on the logistical structures where there is a need to realize about the perception which generally differs from others (Saxe, 2015). The solving of the abstract problems is through development stage. The example is that the child can easily be working on solving the different arithmetic equations with the numbers rather than the objects. There is a need to develop the complex understanding and the explanation for the better reasoning which is set through the cognitive development. The children are active with motivated learners who can easily attain more knowledge at the formalized operational stage. The child is able to work on the cognitive structures with the focus on the capability with conceptual and the scientific reasoning process. 

The cognitive structures are based on how Piaget is able to adapt to the different complementary processes which are related to the assessment and the proper accommodation factors. The child tends to perceive for the experiences where the environmental based factors are defined through the mental map as per the accommodation and construction. The repetitive experiences includes the assimilations that have been set for the cognitive structures for the child. This involves the establishing of the equilibrium mentally with the handling of different experiences and how the child is able to erect with the cognitive structures. Piaget theory has been able to handle the practices related to education where the theory is applicable for the “development appropriate education” (Siegler, 2016). It involves the education of the students with handling the instruction and the resources that could be best for the cognitive abilities and then meeting the other needs of the emotional and the social requirements. The theory has been able to imply on the teacher where the focus is on the appreciation of the child’s way to learn and think for reaching towards a conclusion. The experiences are related to the learning which is based on the current level and the cognitive functioning for the children. The theory has been about working with the teachers and then focusing over the crucial roles for the student-initiated learning process and the active involvement in the different activities. The recognition is based on how Piaget is able to experiment with the children with leading to the particular conclusions as well. Here, the didactic teaching needs to be avoided where the students are also allowed for the discovering of the things under the spontaneous interaction program with the environmental development. The experiments reveal about the students who can interact properly along with the accommodation that is possible in the environment. The opportunity to act on the physical world involves the strict emphasis with avoidance of any type of “premature training”. 

It is important to understand that the students should not be pushed for the acceptance of the adulting concepts with the question to accelerate towards the development process. This does not directly enforces for the different understanding procedures which is congitive and the rate of development is defined for the cognitive approaches with different children undergoing the sages for the cognitive development. The teachers need to organize the different activities for the classroom where the children are for handling entire group process(Ghazi et al, 2015). The individual planning for the child performance should not be completely standardized for the different and the same-age peers. With the teacher for the school setting, I am applying the Piaget theory for the classroom to properly structure the different pre-operational development factors. With this, I will also be able to make use of the different concrete pops and the visual aids process. I have been relatively working on the instructions with the explanation of the concepts for different actions and words. I have been working in the environment where there are children who are experiencing the larger ranges that are set with the premises which are set for the building of the concepts and the learning through the language process. The age of 2-3 years of children tend to be focusing on the different meanings with the same word and then there are different words for the same meaning. This is appropriate and one is not expected for meeting the point of view. This is to understand about the expectations of the student with helping them to utilize the imitation, memory and the thought process. The involvement of the students for 4-7 years is more practical with reading on the different comprehension and the skillful levels. The involvement of the students with developing the language or the recognition plan is done on the symbolic manner. This will help in improving the building blocks and then handling the complex skills for hand-on problems. The assigning of the tasks for the children also involves the different stages and the ages for the psychological maturity planning (Light, 2017). 

Piaget claims the cognitive development with the proper planning on the growing propensity for the child. Here, the approach is to work with the classroom of the children centered classroom programs that involves the supporting with the sharp stages with the continued development. The operative and figurative approaches with the transformations and then planning with the conditions that is set for the human changes. The operative intelligence includes the actions, with the recovery with anticipation on handling the object transformation. The figurative intelligence includes the means for the representation with the states that are determined for the successive forms, shapes and the locations. The perception and the imitation includes the figurative approach with the assimilation and accommodation with the focus on information with the pre-existing cognitive schemas. The reinterpretation with the fitting on the assimilation with the old ideas. This occurred the faces with the new and the unfamiliar information. The accommodation is based on the taking of new information with the environment and then handling the pre-existing schemas with the new object and situation (Bjorklund & Causey, 2017). The accommodation is about the continued interpretation with the schemas and the frameworks. The understanding is based on assimilation and the accommodation with the operative intelligence. The assimilation is based on the objective and then focusing on the contouring of the object. The concrete operational and formal operational period includes the object permanence with the child development for making the permanent sense of the self-and object. The procedural charges includes the determining with support the child’s growth with the subject for the suitable for the students level. The differentially factors includes the development performance with the arithmetic operations with the similar accuracy with the concrete operational levels. 

The childhood includes the adolescents with the different stages for the religious development. The study includes the religious pictures and the Bible stories with the support from the child’s responses (Ghazi et al, 2016). The first stage is pre-operational intuitive religious thought includes the children working up to 7 to 8 years of age with the marking on the though process with unsystematic and the fragmentation process of the children. Here, the discussion is based on the comprehending approaches which are for determining the different optional thought processes. Here, the occurrence is mainly in between 7 & 8 years and 13 & 14 years of age. The people need to focus on handling the operational factors which could be effective for handling the abstraction procedures with the thoughts that are related to work on the occurrence and planning of the age on adolescent factors. For the early adulthood, there have been religion in the people lives with looking forward to the different adulthood measures. There are early adulthood where the religion has been affecting the lives of the people through focusing on how the adulthood is high with the less developed countries working and comparing to the developed countries. The age of the people helps in identifying the development with the adulthood process that includes the religion with the major focus on the 70% of the US individuals who are surveyed for the spirituality that is considered as a major part for the lives. The consideration is about the effect on the religious development for the children and the adolescence with adopting to the practices at the time of upbringing. The relationship needs to be maintained with understanding about how the parents and the child is able to adapt to the different factors and the religious beliefs. The participation is done in the organized manner and the personal forms of religion. 


The theory of the cognitive development for Piaget involves the significant contribution to understand about the psychology of the child and then work on the areas for the teaching. The theory is effective for the development of strategies where there are “student centered learning” that is applicable for the modern education process (Marshall, 2016). This is in spite of being criticized by the theorists for the underestimation of the childhood abilities. The dynamic systems includes the approaches with the demonstration with the cognitive approaches with the social interaction with the teaching on the children. The suggestion is based on the smooth integration with learning and the development with the neo-nativist critics. The development includes the factors for the progress with the domain that is set for the learning concepts with the capacity that highlights on the advancement of the stages. 

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