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Early Childhood Education and Care Assignment Help

Assessmant 1

Write 200 words reflection on your cultural identity and biases. Remember, all people have their own cultural identity and it is important to acknowledge any bias that you may have. Your assessment will not be judged on biases but is about an honest reflection of your own identity and biases.

Assessment 2

In your plan, you have had to read and review National Quality Framework, National Quality Standards and learning framework (e.g. EYLF). Discuss the following:
1. How did you review these documents? Please show examples
2. How did you decide on the relevant areas of each of the above?
3. Where did you locate these documents?

Assessment 3

Write 400 words on the impact of colonisation, historical events and issues on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. (Please speak to your Assessor if you need assistance in regard to the length of the assessment. Assessor is looking for about a paragraph on each topic area)

Assessment 4

You will need to access the service's policies and procedures related to working with indigenous groups to undertake this assessment. List organisational policies and procedures linked to support participation.

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Assessment 1

Cultural identity is a sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group or culture, while Cultural bias is judging someone based on the standards of one's own culture. Cultural identity starts developing from the onset of childhood and is a crucial part of a child. As an Australian born and brought up in the island continent, there are certain cultural biases that I have accumulated during the course of my development. Australia, as it is commonly famous for racial discrimination often faced by the people of colour lacks a sense of apathy (Hunt & Smith, 2018). There is a prevalence of status quo that we being the Australians often use as a trump card to backlash the people belonging to a diverse cultural background. It is a cultural bias that leads to several behavioural changes and attitude towards the actions taken on to anybody who is of the brown colour. Consciously or unconsciously, I have been picking up these traits somewhat and my actions have been modified accordingly. The cultural biases are not something people are very proud of but it is being imbibed from childhood as the adult phase brings out the actions more vividly. We don't take into consideration about our accountability to make this change but rather consider it to be other people's responsibility to bring out the required changes.

Assessment 2

1. National Quality framework can be reviewed through the legal proceedings like the analysation of the data and the documents they possess. It is mostly done to validate the relevance or the authenticity of the document. Most documents are reviewed electronically as they were originally created or as electronic copies that were created as hard copies originally.

2. National Quality Framework provides the approach to assess, regulation and quality improvement. In this framework, title leads to the content of the article and in the index section, I can find the relevant information on child education. I asked myself these questions to see how the topic is related to the potential sources. In the National Quality Standards and Learning Framework (like EYLF), relevant areas can be found through topic and potential keyword search.

3. These documents were located from the internet sources which provide detail processes.

Assessment 3

Aborigines of Australia are the indigenous or the natives of the Australian subcontinent who migrated from the Asian continent around 40,000 years ago. With a wide variety of 500-600 different groups, the aboriginals now comprise 2% of the total population of Australia. Although presently, Australia is a multicultural continent, in 1788, only the aboriginals dwelled in the continent along with the Torres Strait Islanders. There were several communities of the Torres Strait Islanders and the aboriginals who used to speak in different languages and inhibited with a wide variety of cultural beliefs and traditions (Paradies, 2016). However, with the colonisation, the aboriginal population which is one of the oldest living cultures of the world started to decrease. The British colonisation had a devastating impact on the cultures of this indigenous group as it gradually swept away the natives from the entire island and forcing the European culture to dominate. The imperialism by the Britishers had adverse effects in every aspect of the natives of Australia starting from the culture and population to their language and even health. One of the chiefpractices of the Europeans was to prevent the aboriginals from speaking their native languages (O'Faircheallaigh, 2017). This, in turn, interrupted the passing of the languages from one generation to another.While there were almost 700 spoken languages in Australia in 1788, the British impact has led to the survival of only 250 languages presently.The estimated population previously was 750000 in the entire continent and has now come down to only 2% of the total population of about 265000 people. This decrease in the aboriginals is the result of the European settlements of cities and towns which forced the relocation of the natives. This had been fueled by the myth of the nomad nature of the aboriginals who didn't have the concept of land ownership like the Europeans. This dispossession and dislodgment disrupted the conventional practices of land management.

The decline of the native population was added by the clashes between them and the Europeans along with the various health issues and diseases are borne by the new settlements which soon turned in to epidemics like smallpox, measles and influenzas. With the influence of the nation aboriginals, the natives started losing their own tribal cultural and practices that included dream time, storytelling and art culture along with the musical interests that developed unique musical instruments like Didgeridoo. The oppressive legislation policies towards the Aboriginals are yet another crucial aspect. The newly framed legislatures and policies acted as punitivetowards the natives and didn't help much. Certain states passed laws such as Aboriginal Protection Act, The Cape Barren Island Act etc, in order to control the Aboriginals and enhance their own cultural betterment with the genocide of the native cultures through family diffusion, language loss and others. The state intervention in the lives of these indigenous people continued.

Assessment 4

Policies are the set of guidelines that the governing organisation aims to follow.There are certain policies and procedures to ensure working with the indigenous groups. These organisational policies are included to ensure good participation and working experience with the ATSI people.

It includes service processes, working with other organisations to provide services, client focussed service protocol and Worker focussed service protocol (Hunt, 2018). The service processes represent the policies on the process of the delivered service. It ensures the safe environment of the service provided to the indigenous clients along with the best time for the delivery of the service. Working with the indigenous families requires community development practices and the policies are also crucial in the working relationship with other organisations of service providers. The client focussed service protocol consists of the policies to safeguard client records, transporting clients, emergency procedures etc. It is also important to maintain the working policies of the governance, management and HR.

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