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BUS 458 Consumer & Family Finance Capstone

The course, BUS 458 Consumer & Family Finance Capstone provide a link between the traditional advisement services including finance, investment, tax, insurance, retirement planning, trust planning and the client's life plan to manage financial affairs.

Brief description of some of the following is given below as per BUS 458 Consumer & Family Finance Capstone:

Tax planning is done to ensure tax efficiency. All elements of the financial plan work together in the most tax-efficient manner possible through Tax Planning.

The process of setting retirement income goals and following them with the actions necessary to achieve those same goals is known as Retirement Plan.

BUS 458 Consumer & Family Finance Capstone is carrying total 3 Credits. This BUS 458 course offers a link between the traditional advisement services (investment, finance, tax, insurance, trust planning, retirement planning) and the client's life plan to manage financial affairs. As a final exercise, learners will complete a model financial plan for a mock client. Prerequisites of this course is GEN 499. This BUS 458 course must be taken last in the program.

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