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A Discernment Checklist for the Business Leader

Q1. Do I see work as a gift from God?

According to Mea & Sims (2018), work is considered to be manifestation of God's efforts to serve the humanity. Considering the impactful nature of work, critics and acknowledgers that work gives a sense of purpose to an individual and tends to serve that purpose with integrity have stated it. It is like an epitome of fulfillment and mental satisfaction that is procured through efficient and responsible working. In the process of rendering a religious outlook to the influence of work, it is marked as a great contributor to the world and humanity (Sirico, 2017). Business leaders are considered as commercial ambassadors of goodness bestowed towards mankind and building a sense of community among the individuals. Thus, I believe that despite having religious interpretations, work is certainly a gift of God as serves the purpose for business leaders to meet the requirements of the people.

Q2. Is my work as a "co-creator" truly a participation in God' original and continuing creative act?

The highest levels of accomplishments are procured by business leaders based on the integration of the ethical, spiritual and social principles into their work life (Goodpaster, et al.2018). As per the Church instructions, the business leaders are stated to receive and acknowledge the contributions of God and serve God by serving humanity.

Hence, it can be stated that God is the certainly the primary creator of work and empowers the individual to be a co-creator in the process. This aspect refers to the Christian business leaders specifically who attribute work to be a formation of collaborative efforts of the humans and God himself.

Q3. Do I promote a culture of life through my work?

With having a myriad of cultural aspects, I intend to develop sanity within my work through my facets of responsibility. It is important to provide space for employees and give them a strong platform for developing commonality in culture. In the process of developing culture through my work, I aspire to connect with the employees and develop a professional relationship and cultural interaction.

Q4. Am I living an integrated life or is it divided, separating Gospel principles from my work?

Considering my work life, I believe that my life used to be divided initially, but by implementing the Gospel teachings, I have been able to develop a connection by collaborating spirituality within the perimeters of my personal and professional life.

Q5. Am I receiving the sacraments regularly and with attention to how they support and inform my business practices?

The power of the spiritual life is being integrated within the activities of the professional and personal lives of the business leaders. These sacraments help in embracing the work life in a smoother way and help the leaders to overcome the hassles of a divided life (Windes et al.2017). According to the catholic principles, the Church asks for receiving the 7 sacraments and pray in peace and spirituality. Following a sacramental way of worshipping, I am able to delve deeper into the harsh realities of the world and the business life. Thus, this helps me in resolving mental conflicts within my work and personal life.


Q6. Am I reading the Scriptures and praying with the will to avoid the risk of a divided life?

I render significant attention to the prayers and sacramental principles that help me in leading a more compact and integrated life. I try to align the features of spirituality and divine feelings while dealing with business life and can treat the complications easily. My will in reading the scriptures and praying with a purpose is not only to shun the risks of a divided life by also to develop a strong sense of individual strength and mental fortitude.

Q7. Am I sharing my spiritual path with other Christian business practitioners (my peers)?

Being a Christian I intend to develop and grow amidst a wide stretch of network of human minds and share commonalities in opinion. Hence, it is a continuous process of involving other people, especially my colleagues and peers in this spiritual networking process. Considering the importance of integrating Gospel teachings and Church preaching, the growth of the networking process of sheer importance and support each other in the pioneering and leading the competitive edge.

Q8. Am I seeking to nourish my business life by learning more about the Church's social teaching?

It is one of the biggest collaborative responsibilities of business leaders in developing a comprehensive framework of business operation and shares the criticalities of creation with the peers (Capps, et al.2018). With a joint effort from peers and stakeholders, a business entity can lead the competitive edge in successful way. By realizing my involvement in the Creation of God, I believe that the Christian social teachings empower me to nurse my business life and render me perseverance and strength to keep the divided life at bay.

Q9. Do I believe that taking the dignity of the person seriously in my business decision-making will promote integral human development while making my company more efficient, more agile and more profitable?

According to Melé & Fontrodona (2017), business leaders need to work in lines with integrity and ethical standards to deliver quality business and fulfillment of responsibilities. The Gospel teaches business leaders to be integrators of human dignity and common good. Thus, hurting the dignity of a person is in no way, expected from any business leader or professional.


Q10. Do I recognize the importance of strong and lively "indirect employers" to ensure the right levels of labor protection and community dialogue?

Urick, et al.(2015) states that providing a compact platform for work is important for every business leader and employee. In case of change management process, often companies face intense challenges for dealing with the potential issues that come up in the process. In such cases, the intervention of indirect employers comes into picture. These indirect employers include the State, Union and other governing bodies (McIntosh, 2017). Pertaining to the interventions of indirect employers, it has been noted that these employers maintain some of the legislative regulations concerning the employee protection. According to the statement made by Pope Benedict XVI, the existences of both the direct and indirect employers are needful in order to keep the economy and the workforce moving.

Q11. Am I sensitive to the fact that if corporate decisions are not deeply grounded in the dignity of the human person, they will be prone to instrumentalist and utilitarian constructs that fail to promote integral human development within business?

I do agree with the fact that in case the business decisions are not being taken, keeping the social aspect of Human Dignity in mind, that might lead to the formation of fragmented business operation. Such approaches generate instrumentalist and Utilitarian approach and cause severe impact on the purposes of the business leaders. With Utilitarian and instrumentalist approaches taking the dominant position in the mind, the business leaders fail to serve the common good. There shall be a sense of individual interests and not serving the humankind as a whole or treating the human race with dignity.

Organizing Good and Productive Work

Q12. Do I regularly assess the degree to which my company provides products or services that address genuine human needs and foster responsible consumption?

I aspire to conduct a regular assessment of the genuineness and quality of the products and services that are being served by my company in order to ensure that human needs are addressed. According to Aronoff & Ward (2016), the importance of accurate judging and close monitoring ensures the quality production and consumption of products and services.

Q13. Do I provide working conditions that allow my employees appropriate autonomy at each level? In other words, when I organize human resources, am I mindful of the subsidiarity principle in my company management system?

While organizing human resources, I make sure of maintaining the principles of subsidiarity in the management system of my company. This ensures the provision of appropriate working conditions to the employees, allowing them with proper autonomy at each level. It cannot be denied that the employees are not only human resources responsible for contributing to the success of the company, but they are the ones who want to develop their career as well. Thus, I provide them with proper freedom at the workplace by designing and managing the strategies of business in an efficient way (Naughton & Alford, 2012).


Q14. Am I assuming the risk of lower level decisions to assure that this autonomy is genuine?

In the company, the employees who are working in lower positions are well-trained and trusted so that they get to know their responsibilities and use their freedom as well as their intelligence while making decisions. Therefore, the risk of lower level decisions is assumed in order to confirm that the autonomy is genuine. This allows the employees not only to remain dedicated towards the company but also allows them to develop as individuals (Naughton & Alford, 2012).

Meeting the Needs of the World

Q15. Are jobs and responsibilities in my company designed to draw upon the full talents and skills of those doing the jobs?

The strategies in my company are implemented in a way that they provide proper opportunities to every employee to show their skills and abilities in the workplace. The employees are not only provided with freedom at the workplace but are also given proper rewards and incentives based on their performance. This motivates them to work with dedication and achieve the desired goals of the company. In fact, it is made sure that the employees are capable of developing right relationships amongst each other as well as the leaders and are participating in every activity. They are given opportunities to raise their voice in case of any problem, thereby fostering innovation and creativity at the workplace (Naughton & Alford, 2012).

Q16. Do I see the responsibilities of my company as extending to all the participants and stakeholders who contribute to its life, not simply to the interests of the owners?

I make sure that my company effectively deals with all stakeholders and the employees and do not deprive any of them from what they deserve. The strategies implemented by the company are not only meant for getting benefits in business, but these are also kept in terms with the development of the employees and meeting the needs of the internal as well as external stakeholders. As a leader, I follow my duty of serving the interests of all the people connected with the business of the company. Not only the interests of the owners are met but the employees get good opportunities to develop their life as well in the company (Landry, 2016).

Q17. Am I creating wealth, or am I engaging in rent-seeking behavior?

I am not engaged in any kind of rent-seeking behaviour in the company. Rather, I create wealth in the business in a way that the wealth can be distributed to all the people connected to the business in a fair and efficient way (Landry, 2016).


Q18. Do I truly accept the open market, or am I engaging in anti-competitive practices?

I accept the open market and do not follow any anti-competitive practices in the company. This is because the 21st century business market is facing a lot of competition due to globalization and innovation. That is why, it is necessary to meet the needs of the competitive market by analyzing the open market and implementing strategies in accordance with it (Landry, 2016).

Q19. Is my company making every reasonable effort to take responsibility for externalities and unintended consequences of its activities (such as environmental damage or other negative effects on suppliers, local communities and even competitors)?

Strategies are being developed by my company in order to take responsibility for any unintended commercial activity and its consequences on the environment. The primary objective of my company is to maintain sustainability in all possible ways. Therefore, any damage caused to the environment due to the activities of the company ought to be remedied. In fact, if any harm is caused to suppliers or the local communities due to the unintended activities of the company, the entire responsibility of providing remedies through proper efforts lies on the company (Landry, 2016).

Q20. Have employees been selected and trained to be able to meet their responsibilities fully?

The employees who are engaged in the business of my company are selected through proper strategy. A proper strategy of training them has also been implemented in the company so that they learn about the products and the norms followed in the workplace in an efficient manner. They are trained to make them aware of the sustainable strategies followed in the business. The employees are recruited in accordance with their qualifications and skills in the company. In fact, their pay-scale is also determined accordingly (Landry, 2016).

Q21. Have these responsibilities and their scope been clearly defined?

The training process of the employees is aimed at making them aware of their duties and responsibilities. Utmost care is given so that they fulfill their duties and responsibilities in an efficient manner and remain dedicated to their respective tasks. It is also made sure that the employees follow sustainable strategies in the workplace so that no negative impact is caused in the environment (Landry, 2016).

Q22. Am I making sure that the company provides safe working conditions, living wages, training, and the opportunity for employees to organize themselves?

I try my best to ensure that the strategies developed in the company are aimed at maintaining sustainability. This is primarily done by providing a fair and safe atmosphere for the employees to work at the workplace. They are given opportunities to raise their voices in case of any problems that they face. They are not only given proper wages but are alsop provided with proper rewards and incentives based on their performance. This is necessary to motivate them to give their best effort in the workplace, thereby assisting the company to achieve the desired goals. The employees are trained in proper ways to help them develop their career and the proper wages are provided to them in order to develop their life (Landry, 2016).


Q23. Have I embedded a set of comprehensively defined principles and integrated them into my performance measurement process? Am I honest with my employees about their performance?

In order to manage and control the performance of the employees, I have implemented a strategy to review their performance. This not only helps the company to maintain the efficiency of the workers but also helps the employees to get a clear view of their strengths and weaknesses, thereby motivating them to bring about improvement in the areas of their deficiencies. Thus, I follow honest way of measuring the performance of my employees (Dhar, 2015).

Q24. In all countries where my company is engaged, is it honoring the dignity of employees and of those indirectly employed? Is it contributing to the development of the communities hosting these operations? (Do I follow the same standard of morality in all geographic locations?)

It is a matter of fact that the business market at present is hit by a lot of competitive factors. Thus, it is necessary to spread the business of the company to different areas. The business of my company is spread with a number of subsidiaries at certain areas. However, it is also necessary that the subsidiary companies follow the same principles and norms of maintaining sustainability. Thus, I have made sure that in all the countries where my company is conducting business, the same morals and principles are followed so that there is no harm to the dignity of the employees or the local communities (Dhar, 2015).

Q25. Do I place the dignity of all workers above profit margins?

The objective of my company is not only to reach the margins of profit but also to maintain the dignity of all the people who are connected to the business. This is because employees are the major resources who are responsible for accelerating the business of the company. Therefore, I give priority to their dignity and provide them opportunities to develop their life as well (Naughton & Alford, 2012).

Creating Sustainable Wealth and Distributing it Justly

Q26. As a business leader, am I seeking ways to deliver fair returns to providers of capital, fair wages to employees, fair prices to customers and suppliers, and fair taxes to local communities?

As a leader of business, I ensure of implementing proper strategies and methods so that fair returns are delivered to capital providers, fair wages are given to workers and customers get satisfied with the fair prices of the products. I also ensure of providing proper taxes to local communities. According to the verdict of Pope Benedict XVI, the environment is regarded as a gift by God and hence all activities done in the environment must be committed towards serving the poor and the future generation. Thus, in the business environment I make sure of maintaining this principle (Naughton & Alford, 2012).


Q27. Does my company honor all its fiduciary obligations to providers of capital and to local communities with regular and truthful financial reporting?

The fiduciary obligations to capital providers and local communities are honored by my company in proper terms. Accepting the fact the creation of God is for every individual, the company makes sure that the products are services are distributed to everyone efficiently. The strategies are built in a way that the wealth is distributed in a fair manner to capital providers and distribute the products to local communities in a sustainable way (Naughton & Alford, 2012).

Q28. In anticipation of economic difficulties, is my company taking care that employees remain employable through appropriate training and variety in their work experiences?

In order to avoid risks of economic difficulties, the company has implemented proper strategy to train the employees and provide them with proper wages. They are given a variety of tasks in the workplace so that they can show their skills and abilities in an efficient way. The principle of providing a fair wage to the employees is followed by the company, thereby sticking to the norm of meeting the needs of people and reward the efforts made by everyone (Cohen, 2017).

Q29. When economic difficulties demand layoffs, is my company giving adequate notification, employee transition assistance and severance pay?

The principle of meeting the needs of people and distributing wealth in a fair way is being followed by my company also in case when the economic difficulties result in layoffs. It is ensured that there is no effect caused to the employability of the workers or their wages. Sufficient notifications are given to the employees so that they can prepare themselves for the changes. They are also trained so that they can easily get through the transition efficiently (Cohen, 2017).

Q30. Does my company make every effort to reduce or eliminate waste in its operations, and in general to honor its responsibility for the natural environment?

Each strategy developed in my company whether in terms of technology, innovation or human resources, is aimed at maintaining sustainability. Thus, the technology used by my company in the manufacture and distribution of products is aimed at reducing the rate of pollution. It is also taken care of that the resources and raw materials used for production are used optimally to avoid wastes. Therefore, I have implemented ways so that there is no negative impact on the environment, thereby maintaining sustainability (Drucker, 2017).


Q31. As a Christian business leader, am I promoting human dignity and the common good in my sphere of influence?

With the growing challenges in the current business scenario, the business leaders are said to face several obstacles in the trajectory of serving the humankind. The most challenging aspect of business leaders are the intolerable influence of divided life and that constitutes the chasm between faith and commercial practices (Hutchinson, 2018). As a Christian business lead, I strongly believe in encouraging and enduring human dignity in work and in my personal life as well. I believe that promoting human dignity and common good empowers material and spiritual development and live on the standards of ethical social principles. The same is propounded by the Gospel teachings for Christian leaders and enables me to incorporate them in my visionary principles and ethical standards. As stated by Pope Francis on the vocation for business leaders, such an intervention will help business leaders to truly decipher the meaning of good faith and serve with human dignity and for common good (Liberatore,2016). According to the principles stated in the Church teachings, each individual irrespective of the qualities and characteristics are a reflection of God and should be respected. Thus, believing strongly on these principles, I intend to promote human dignity and common good within my sphere of work and influences.


Q32. Am I supporting the culture of life; justice; international regulations; transparency; civic, environmental, and labor standards; and the fight against corruption?

Having gained a deeper understanding of the responsibilities of business leaders and the alignment of spiritual feelings within the daily work permits, I strong suggest and personally follow the aspects of culture of life; justice; labor standards; international regulations and fight against corruption. By following the key teachings of seeing, judging and acting, I think that I have gained valuable insights into the comprehensions of developing a balanced life between work and personal engagements and help in embracing remedies to deal with divided life.

The focus on endearing ethical standards in respecting human dignity and sustaining the labor standards are integral in my procedure of work. By assessing the crisis areas with scrupulousness and focusing on the social doctrines of the church, I try to hold on to the above-mentioned aspects in my conduction.

Q33. Am I promoting the integral development of the person in my workplace?

Diversity and cultural sanity are the key factors for developing a secured work atmosphere. According to Hill, (2017), a workplace is deeply affected by commotions and challenges that develop through the process of culture shocks and indifferences. One of the biggest challenges for business leaders is to align ethical and spiritual values with that of professional work and having an integrated life.

In the process of assessing the impact of the Gospel teachings, it has been found from the study paper that the Church propagates the important aspects of the business leaders and acknowledging the creator for what he has done for them. Hence, it is important for all of use as business leaders to serve humanity without any sense of fragmentation and follow the spirit of solidarity (Cammock, 2016).

The need to respect human resources and encourage spiritual sense helps in developing a sense of commitment (Jenkins, 2018). Following all the credibility stated in the vocation propaganda, my way of working is significantly influenced by my aspirations to intrude dedication and integral development within my working arena. By updating myself into the ethics and spiritualities of Christian teachings and Gospel principles, I pay equal attention to my peers and promote integral developing at workplace. Conducting interactive sessions and spreading the sense of sanity and cohesion, I try to promote the facets of integrity at my workplace.

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