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Program Evaluation Plan


Question: Create a comprehensive program evaluation plan. Discuss the following aspects in detail: description of the program and population served, activities of the program, program outcomes, selected evaluation model, methods of data collection and analysis, and your plan for reporting/disseminating the evaluation findings.

Answer: Preface: Effectiveness of the program will decide the actual outcomes of the project. Only when the project is performed in accordance with the actual expectations and efficiency it will be possible to meet the desired mission and visions of the programme. One of the key criteria to decide the justification and appropriateness of the programme is its evaluation. When there is comprehensive evaluation of the programme, performed in all aspects like verification of the expected outcomes, verifying the actual efficiency, outreach and deliverables of the programme, it will be possible to indicate whether the programme has met its intended aims or not. The current report is aimed at proposing an evaluation plan for a child protection programme. The report details the objectives of the programme in terms of the actual mission and vision of the programme, its intended audience and final beneficiaries, insights into the actual activities of the program, the outcomes of program and there is also detailing of the evaluation of the model selected for programme evaluation. Finally there is also discussion about the data collection methods and analysis, ethical considerations and the communication strategies for disseminating the evaluation findings and so forth. The following part of the report does detail the same.

Overview of the proposed programme: The program proposed for evaluation is about child protection. The key objectives of the program are to protect children from abuse, neglect and Violence. The current program does have comprehensive set of actions to meet these objectives and the services are being offered in three phases. The first is the antenatal services, where in the children will be offered with the services right from the maternity. Both the children and the mother health and well being will be the key objective of this program at this time. The second phase of the program is to identify the psychogical and social stresses on the targeted population and to render them all the necessary support to get out of this problem. The third phase of the program is about statutory child protection and out of home care for the children. This is particularly targeted for the children, who are out of their families due to several reasons like abuse, neglect; violence etc and they will be offered with assistance and service in these locations for the sake of betterment of the children life and wellbeing.

Population being served by the programme: The key audience served by the programme include the children at distress; they can be suffering from variety of reasons. Specifically if they are facing any type psychological or social stresses, if they are facing abuse of any type or if they are victims of violence then immediately they will be served by the programme and by the efforts of the programme. Both the children who are victims as well as the family members who are economically and socially oppressed or unfortunate, they will be considered for services of the programme and will be supported in this regard(Vedung,2017).


The key activities of the programme: The programme is being performed in multiple aspects. Some of the key activities being performed by the programme include the following,

• Information dissemination about the programme. Both the caretakers (Any if) as well the family members will be informed of diverse activities of the programme. This will give an opportunity to the members of the family and the caretakers to provide better assistance and co-operation to children to recover from their respective ailment conditions.

• All the children are expected to provide with all the basic amenities and these facilities will help them to focus on study. When the family members are provided with basic amenities, their reliance on children for earning will decrease, self sustenance and support will enable the families to let the children go and attend for study programmes.

• Family members and children will be provided with good environment with medical support. Such support will enable the children and the family members to support themselves and by doing so will improve themselves.

• Providing them good and bad touches, personal safety skills etc will also help them to have a better and healthy environment.

• An advocacy team will be established and this team will monitor the services of the people and will provide with all the necessary directions to make the programme highly effective and efficient in reaching the intended audience in general.

Program outcomes: The key outcomes of the program include the following,

• More and more effected children will be taken into the technical and art programmes and will be taught for self sustenance.

• There will be special focus on the safety of the children and children will be provided and a comprehensive safety plan will be well established to support the needy children.

• There will be increased awareness in the social groups and other related stakeholders and these groups will work to join the children in the support programmes.

• Statistical reports will be prepared about the children and their conditions and these reports will help on to make knowledged decisions to improve better the conditions of the children. Also the reports and other statistical information can be of use in making long term strategic plans and operations to enable the betterment of the conditions of the people.

• Medium term outcomes include betterment of the health and psychology of the children, making them more tuned to participate in the science and other economic improvement programmes of the country.

• Also there is considerable focus on the long terms objectives like economic sustenance of the underprivileged groups (Families), strengthening the future citizens and so enabling the betterment of the revenues and economies of the country.

• All round development of the children, citizens and the youth is expected in the current programme and there is much to do with the overall sustenance of the organization.

Evaluation model selected for the current programme and the Rationale for selection: The current programme is not in the planning phase, all the required strategies are well prepared and the action plans are already deployed in the organization. So at this moment there is no need to evaluate the process of the evaluation programme, rather the outcomes of the programme does make sense to evaluate. Such findings will provide insights into the effectiveness of the programme and also will suggest if there is need to make up any further amendments to the programme. If in case the findings from the evaluation are not upto the expected standards or alternatively if they did not meet the benchmarked level of objectives, then it is worth reconsidering the evaluation at process level and to perform any process changes if required. At this level it is very much required to perform the outcome evaluation of the model. Such evaluation can provide key insights into the overall program effectiveness and appropriateness of the same in continuation.


Data collection and Analysis: Both the qualitative and quantitative methods need to be applied in the current case to evaluate the programme as a whole. Particular focus need to be there in collecting information like what makes the programme fit for the purpose.

For example, whether the programme has met the required objectives to be evaluated from this data collection model. For this purpose, typical data that can be of use and to be collected include the following,

• Typically how many children are enrolled in the current programme of services offered through this programme.

• How is the growth rate of enrolment of the children into the programme from year to year?

• Still whether there is any people needing the services and not availing the services?

(Data in this regard can be obtained by field surveys (random surveys from the vulnerable populations). Verification of issues, like whether the vulnerable population are receiving the information about the programme appropriately? Whether the program services and activities have spread in the society appropriately? Whether there is sufficient awareness of the programme in the society?

• To what extent the stakeholders are benefitting from the programme? Whether the children are really supported? Whether they now have the feeling of security? Whether the violence and abuse are refrained? Whether the family members are provided with better and alternative supports for sustenance and for wellbeing of themselves and empowered for protecting their own children.

• How well the communities and the neighbourhood are working to improve the conditions of the children? Whether they are informed of the channels appropriately to guide or recommend the services of the current programme?

• Whether there is any impact of the programme on the society or the community in terms of its long term expectations?

(Typical implications to the economic and social conditions of the society and whether there is any benefit seen on macro scale?)

These are some of the key data points needed to evaluate the outcomes of the current programme. Each of these programmes outcomes to be evaluated by employing both the qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation (Posavac, 2015).

Analysis: Interviews with the key stakeholders like the children, family members of the children, community members, neighbourhood and other professional experts will provide qualitative insights into the overall programme evaluation.

Quantitative insights will include aspects such as the programme outcomes their effectiveness in reaching the desired targeted audience. Number of children getting the benefits, conditions improved and so forth.

Analysis of the data collected will be mainly of use in getting required insights into the effectiveness of the programme and this will be of use to monitor and change the programme process if required. Typical focus on the issues like effectiveness of the programme, efficiency in getting the benefits, outreach effectiveness etc will provide implications for further changing the process conditions of the programme (Pecora, 2018).

Plan for information dissemination: The findings from the evaluation plan are expected to be presented in detail mainly to the executional stakeholders. The analysis report will be presented for them with recommendations as well with focus on the issues of importance and needing immediate change plans. Information will be disseminated in the form of reports and graphical or statistical representation of the findings to the programme director, programme incharges, programme Team and module leaders. These findings will provide inputs for them either for mending the existing procedures of activities, they may enable them to take up actions for improving the efficiency of the working models, alter the existing operational models or even will help to change the action plans. In any case information is expected to get disseminated in the form of reports and if required there can be participation in the debate or detailed presentation can be conducted based on the situation (Newcomer et al., 2015).

Conclusion: The current programme of protecting the children is very ambitious programme and it has diverse objectives and the current programme evaluation model is expected to inspect the outcomes of the programme. The insights into the current process operational efficiencies, programme outreach and the strategic gaps in planning any if exist can be identified in this phase. Based on findings, restructuring or any other modifications any if required can be taken up in the current programme model.


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