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Leadership Assignment -

Stage One - Research/Observation

1. What makes this person a good leader?

2. What you perceive this person's leadership traits, behaviours and qualities;

3. How the person uses power and influence to make him/her an effective leader.

Answer - Stage-1: Observation

Rationale for a Good Leader

Serene is a person who I have been observing to determine her leadership qualities. She possesses extremely high qualities of a good leader as she clearly understands needs of the organization, communicates effectively with different teams, takes feedbacks about any issues, and then accordingly formulates major strategies.

She also motivates the staff during challenging times so that the employees are able to solve their different problems in such an environment; it will allow the employees to overcome their personal failures and thereby work in the given direction. Further, she even communicates about the problems faced by the employees with the top-level management (Witges & Scanlan, 2014); it thereby allows the senior management team to review these gaps and thereby take the required steps for improving the overall working environment for the staff.

Given Leader's Traits, Behaviours, and Qualities

There are certain leadership theories developed for the purpose of identifying the skill-set of a leader. The Traits Theory reflects to the study of human personality. One can thereby get an overview on the leadership skills and abilities that an individual will be possessing based on habitual patterns such as thoughts, behaviours, and emotions.

The second is the behavioural approach theory that is concerned with observable response behaviour in different situations. A person will be interacting with the work environment and based on the needs will be executing his leadership skills.

The third is transformational leadership theory wherein a leader will be performing tasks with his team, will be providing them with a vision, will be guiding them to the task, will be communicating on important steps, and will also provide solutions to the problems faced in the real-time mode. The last is the adaptive leadership theory wherein individuals will be passing through challenging environments and will gradually get settled into those environments through their leadership traits.

Now, based on Traits Theory, which focuses on determination of characteristics related to leadership, it can be found that Serene is having multiple leadership qualities and traits through which she is able to lead the entire team. These different leadership qualities also allows her to solve majority of the problems faced by her in her respective workplace situation. She has certain specific traits of a leader such as - honesty, commitment, accountability, creativity, good communicator, and empowering others (Bloom et al., 2015).


Based on Behavioural Task-Oriented Approach Theory that shows how the behaviour of a leader to their followers by measuring behaviour patterns that influence followers' productivity and morale (Gerpott, 2015).It can be noticed that the abilities of Serene allows her to differentiate her from rest others at a given leadership position in the organization.

Based on the Transformational Leadership Theory wherein leaders need to adopt a flexible working approach for the ground-level staff, it can be noticed that Serene has implemented that particular leadership style for the purpose of increasing flexibility and thereby transforming the workplace environment in a way that will boost the confidence and morale of the staff (Kaiser et al., 2015).

Finally, based on the Situation-Adaptive Theory that adheres to a situation where leaders accept the environment easily, I have noticed that Serene adjusts herself quickly in a given situation. She first determines the problem at the workplace, interacts with the ground-level staff to get more details, then prepares the roadmap to solve the problems, and finally chooses the best option from the available alternatives.

Usage of Power and Influence by Serene

It is observed that Serene is the owner of Nature's Nutrition thereby is able to utilize power in the proper direction. She is well aware of the key needs, future expectations, and also concerns of different stakeholders of the organization. She has thereby implemented transformational leadership style through which she is able to manage the key challenges, provides authority to the middle- and ground-level staff, and subsequently focuses always on achieving the vision of the organization (Tamayo et al., 2015). Serene is thereby providing me with the feedback on my Leadership Development Plan (LDP).


This report thus discusses on the role of a particular leader - Serene, her leadership style, her leadership approach, and her communication plan for the followers. I thereby need to work on the LDP prepared and the feedbacks provided by Serene to improve on my leadership skills from a holistic perspective.


Second Stage - Leadership Development Plan

For the second stage, you are asked to reflect on your own leadership, based on what you learnt the research/observation of your role model, and consider how your own leadership qualities could be improved.

Answer - Stage-2: Leadership Development Plan

It is observed that I do not possess the best of the leadership qualities and hence I need to learn a lot from respective leaders of the organization (Bratton & Gold, 2015). I often confuse myself while accepting socio-cultural aspects of the firm.

I thereby need to develop a proper leadership plan that will allow me to focus more on my strengths and subsequently help me manage with the weaknesses. I shall thereby be able to turn out to be a better leader for my group in a given learning environment.

Leadership Assessment based on Assessment Tools

There was a test conducted - Assessing your team leadership skills as shown in Appendix-1, wherein I scored 9/15. It thereby shows that I am neither too perfect as a leader nor I am too poor as a leader. I am scoring an average score in the given assessment. I shall thereby need to work on my LDP program to improve on my scores and overall leadership approach. It will allow me to develop my leadership traits in a better way.

And, in another test regarding self-confidence as shown in Appendix-2, I scored 41, which reflects a moderate score. It seems that I do have the required knowledge on leadership and management of the given tasks; but somewhere either due to lack of confidence or due to lack of experience I am not able to execute on my final steps. I thereby fail to achieve the desirable outcomes in such situations.

The third assessment that was carried out was locus of control as shown in Appendix-3, wherein I scored 49. It thereby suggests lack of confidence in handling situations, taking decisions, and communicating instructions to other followers from the leader perspective. Thus, it will be crucial for me to learn certain skills based on the leadership development plan as shown below and thereby improve on my overall leadership traits.


Strengths and Weaknesses






Weakness - Overcoming socio-cultural barriers

Activity-1: Accompanying people from different cultural backgrounds and sharing work

Activity-2: Overcoming personal differences and implementing conflict resolution styles at the workplace

Six Months

Ability to accompany with others and implementing group-based working approach


Strength - Overcoming Communication Barriers and directing tasks to the Staff

Activity-1: Introducing new channels of communication based on technology

Activity-2: Overcoming work gaps through improving communication and allowing others at ground-level to take certain decisions

Four Months

Introducing new communication channels and motivating members through creativity and innovation


Weakness - Poor Decision Making skills and Lack of Confidence

Activity-1: Improving self-confidence while taking decisions for the firm

Activity-2: Addressing challenges and subsequently improving on workplace behaviour and approach

Eight Months

Learning new soft skills and improving body language to ensure better confidence. Also, taking certain decisions and evaluating their success


Weakness - Poor External Locus of Control

Activity-1: Interact more with the concerned stakeholders; determine their problems and identify the strategic roadmap through which the given problem can be solved

One Year

To influence others on a given problem by providing the best solution and thereby turning out to be one of the best decision-makers in the organization


In the current leadership development plan (LDP), all the feedbacks seem appropriate for the purpose of improving my overall leadership qualities. However, there is a need to revise my Goal-3 in the current LDP plan, which I think needs to be improved or should be implemented in another way. Since, I lack in having desired decision making skills, it will be first important to identify the factors due to which such issues are arising for me in different situations.

Second, I also need to identify from the checklist provided some of the facts that I believe are not proper. For example, the measurement indicators do not seem to be appropriate. Hence, I need to look out for the factors that will allow me to measure my overall performance and my decision making skills in a better way.

Also, the overall development plan seems to be feasible but I think I need to work more on the skills of taking certain important decisions and thereby increase my confidence during crisis situations. The new development plan will remain the same except for Goal-3 and the revised LDP is shown in Appendix-5.


Based on the LDP plan, it seems that I need to focus more on overcoming socio-cultural barriers. It happens with me several times that I feel uncomfortable regarding working with other group members of other cultural background. I shall thereby not be able to function as per the stated requirements that would further halt upon my performance. The first goal is thereby so defined with an objective to meet this challenge and overcome them through gaining confidence in this direction.

I further need to work on my decision making skills that shall improve on my confidence levels. I shall also be able to visualize the task and its requirements in a better way; however, with improvised decision making skills, I shall be able to generate better future outcomes. However, I need to work closely with other senior leaders in such working scenarios as their guidance will be important at a given workplace.

I also need to improve on poor locus of control so that I shall be able to influence upon others, encourage others to share their concerns, and finally take the decision that will be in the interest of all the concerned stakeholders.


Stage Three - Feedback

1. Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader's feedback into your plan;

2. Describe how you will evaluate whether or not you have reached the level of development set out in your plan (e.g. how will you know that you've achieved the goals set out in your leadership development plan? what kind(s) of data and information will inform this?);

3. Provide a conclusion on how your final Leadership Development Plan would make an impact on your future lives and careers.

a) What did the leader have to say about your draft leadership development plan?

b) How have you modified your draft as a consequence?

Answer - Stage-3: Feedback and Suggestions

Leader's Feedback into Plan

While designing the leadership development plan, the feedback of Serene was important as she will be able to notice my key leadership skills. This report has provided the feedback checklist which is shown in Appendix-4. Once the checklist is completed, the leader will provide me suggestions for future improvement. Second, she has evaluated my leadership performance from a holistic view. It has thereby allowed me to not only shape my skills from the leadership perspective but also made me learn to adapt to changing work situations (McDonnell, Lavelle, & Gunnigle, 2014).

Based on the overall feedback provided by Serene, I found that it is crucial to adapt to new business frameworks and adhere to the working guidelines. I shall thereby be able to address my socio-cultural issues, will be able to address ethnic values of other staff, and also will be able to carry out effective communication with them.

Evaluating whether the Leadership Development Plan is Successful

Serene has provided an in-depth information pertaining to my leadership style, approach, and leadership pattern at the workplace. It will thereby allow me to improve on my gaps and deliver the required outcomes. I shall thereby be able to determine whether I have learned leadership qualities and abilities or not. I shall even be able to review regarding whether I am able to take better decisions for the group or not (McDonnell, Lavelle, & Gunnigle, 2014).

It will also allow me with an opportunity to work closely with other group members and thereby guide them on the team-based working approach. Thus, from a holistic perspective, I need to determine regarding up to what extent I have been able to achieve on my leadership development plan.

I shall then implement certain review mechanism such as - determining total number of tasks completed on time in my current routine, tasks completed successfully from the allocated tasks, total number of problems solved, and also ensuring that there were no communication gaps raised with my group members on different projects.

It will allow me to determine whether I have incorporated the required leadership skills and have been able to perform as per the expectations or not. The reviews of my Serene will also help me to modify my work approach and my communication style to a greater extent; I shall then make sure that the entire leadership development plan has turned successful.



With the rising challenges, it has become difficult for any organization to sustain in a given market scenario (Haight, Kayama, & Korang-Okrah, 2014). The leaders of the organization will thereby require to not only identify new business opportunities but also train the staff on new leadership and management skills that will allow them to improve on their productivity levels (Garran & Werkmeister Rozas, 2013).

Further, the leaders of the organization will be responsible for achieving the vision and mission goals of the organization(Neubert & Tolentino, 2016). Hence, it seems that there will be several impacts of the steps taken by the leaders and their strategies that are formulated in a given challenging environment. They will be even guiding rest of the team toward the key goals of the organization; it will further ensure that the staff is able to perform on the allocated tasks.

Final Conclusion

With rising competition in the global environment and with the need of leadership skills at the workplace, it is observed that every individual will require to develop their respective leadership skill-set. It will not only help them in resolving problems or resolving conflicts but will also allow them define a strategic approach to the given tasks.

Based on this report on the leadership and decision making, I have noticed that I need to focus on my leadership skills, improve on my leadership abilities, and thereby turn into a better leader. It will allow me to perform better once I join as a full-time working professional in the organization.

I shall be able to deploy new strategies, will be able to include innovative solutions, and finally, will also be able to manage on the conflicts at the workplace in a better way. In this report, it is also mentioned that the feedback repot will be provided by Serene, who herself is one of the great leaders. It will allow me to reflect on her capabilities, key assets as a leader, and also leadership style that she has implemented in her workplace environment.

Researchers have mentioned that leaders need to deploy a specific leadership style that will address to the given needs of the organization (Guerci& Shani, 2014). It will help both the entities - the leader and the Board Member teams to work on the given objectives and accordingly prepare the strategic roadmap for the future.

This report has also included leadership assessment tools along with my score to assess my leadership skills. It will allow me to identify the major strengths and weaknesses as a leader and accordingly will reflect on those traits that I need to improve upon in the future. Also, after carrying out research on "leadership needs in the present time", I have found that it is one of the important skill that every employee will require once he joins the organization.

The organizations are looking forward to candidates that not only possess the desired technical skill-set but also the leadership qualities through which he or she will be able to perform better in the near future.

I would thereby like to work on the Leadership Development Plan (LDP) as provided by Serene in this assignment, would like to assess my skills, would like to overcome on the challenges that I face while adapting to certain skill-set on leadership, and finally, would also like to overcome on the problems that I face while interacting with other group members.

I shall thereby turn into a leader with better visionary skills, effective communication abilities, and a better mentor for rest of the group that I shall be leading in the future in the respective organization. However, I shall need to assess on my performance even during at that point in time so that I can judge upon my overall performance. It will allow me to make necessary changes wherever required.


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