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Implementing Change Management Assignment Help

Service Transition has several ITIL processes as part of the book. Most organizations focus on Change Management because it is the focus of many IT audits.


1. Research at least two case studies involving Service Transition and the Change Management

2. Describe the general summary of the case studies.

3. Discuss the implementation of Change Management.

4. Discuss any challenges the (subjects) faced with implementing Change Management.

5. Discuss their classification of RFC’s – Routine, Standard, Normal or any variation.

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The study focuses on the case studies of two companies who have implemented service transition and change management in their organisation. The first case study deals with a Bangladeshi telecommunications company which has quality issues and cost issues. The second case study deals with a European video games and computer retailer who wants to open an e-commerce website for the organisation. Both the companies have chosen to implement ITIL systems in their organisation to resolve their issues.

Case study number one

Summary of the case study

The case study is based on a Bangladeshi telecommunication company called Banglalink. The company aims to attract external IT investments through the implementation of ITIL in the organization. The company hopes that the introduction of effective ITIL will impact the other business processes of the organization and help them provide better services to their customers. The company also plans to implement ITSM, to develop their service delivery areas, risk management and security management (Muhammed, 2015).
Implementation of change management

Banglalink has certain quality issues in the services provided by the organization. The change management system of the organization should focus on improving the quality of the business processes and the reducing the service providing costs. The IT department of the organization plans on implementation of ITIL in the organization through systemic approach of developing the infrastructure of the organization, application management and the service delivery processes.

Challenges occurred during the implementation of change management

The company faced certain challenges during the implementation of the change management from the stakeholders. Some of the stakeholders were skeptical about the positive impact of the introduction of the ITIL in the organization (Krishnan & Ravindran, 2017). The employees of the organisation were also scared of the new developments as they were not trained enough to operate the latest technological inclusions in the organisation.

Classification of change

The company is facing quality issues in their organization for quite some time which is affecting their customer base. Implementation of ITIL in the organization will ensure better data management and improve the service providing capacity. The change can classified as an urgent one as it needs prompt actions.

Case Study number two

Summary of the case study

The case study is based on a European PC and video games retailer. The company plans to enter in the e-commerce market and open multiple stores. The company has taken over their major competition few months back which has resulted in high growth for the organization. The sudden change in the market has resulted the organization to resort to ITIL installation to manage the IT operations of the organization.

Implementation of change management

The IT department of the organization has scheduled a period of 12 weeks for the implementation of the ITIL. The company wants to focus their change management on the holistic development of the organisations business processes top ensure smoother operations and on time delivery of the goods to the customers. The IT manager also ensures to improve their IT service management processes through better problem management and the implementation of change management in certain areas (Ruiz et al., 2018).

Challenges occurred during the implementation of change management

In this company the change management needs to be employed on the retail services as well as in developing the e-commerce platform of the organisation. The present IT department of the company was not qualified enough to implement all these changes so new employees were outsourced to make these changes and manage them properly.

Classification of change

The unexpected pressure on the company has made the company to take the step to implement change management in the organisation. the company has to implement the ITIL system immediately to avaoid any further complications. Thus, the change can be classified as urgent (Chin et al., 2017).

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