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Faith Integration Essay Assignment

Question: Write essay that focuses on how biblical concepts are related to research within your field. The essay must incorporate a thoughtful analysis of research and your faith.


Essay: Serving other people is Fruitful for One's Soul

Serving people is the basic purpose of our life. Many people like to help others in all ways. This is the human nature to help others when we see someone in need of our help. We want to become willing to solving the problem that someone is facing. If someone seeks our help, we try our best to help them as much as possible. Helping others can be in any form like sharing, caring and fulfilling someone's needs. We are taught in our whole life to help others. Because helping others also causes benefits to one's self. It makes our soul happy. Sometimes we get tired and frustrated from our routine, we seek many ways to get entertained but at the end serving others is the only way that gives a sense of real happiness and relaxation. When we help someone, that person becomes thankful to us and praises us. This appreciation also gives us confidence and happiness.
Bible also supports this concept that helping others gives benefit to the helper.

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them"Hebrews 6:10

This verse from the bible supports the concept that helping others also makes God happy. We can help others for the willingness of God. Helping others is fruitful in this sense that God remembers when we help others for the happiness of God. Bible verses show that God loves the person who loves his people. Showing love for humans and helping them in time of need is another way of showing love to God. When we get a feeling of winning the willingness of God, it makes our soul happy (K, 2017).

According to the bible verse,Romans 12:1 a wayof worship is to help the people. It is a mean to gain the pleasure of God. The actual sense of serving comes out in the form of sacrifice. Sacrifice means to help others without expecting any reward in return. That reward can be monetary or any favor in return of help. Giving anything you own to others is called a sacrifice for example serving food is also a way of sacrifice. This sacrifice should only be made for the happiness of God and his worship.

Galatians 6:2-3 states that we should help each other during our work. We should help others to reduce their burden and problems. This is a law that Christians should follow to make God pleased to them. We should not get arrogant when there is a time to help someone. Respect is necessary to spend life happily. Anything or any job in this life is equal in the eyes of God, except those that cause harm to the people to God. If we work in cooperation with our co-workers and people around us, it can reduce our stress. By reducing stress, one can increase productivity and work efficiently (Andrews, 2018).


Many real life pieces of research also show that serving others is a way of the soul's delight. It has many benefits for our physical and mental health. Helping others is a volunteer activity that one is doing with his own will. Helping others increases the social activity of a person, reducing the feeling of loneliness. Frustrations and depression are also minimised if we keep ourselves busy in doing social work. This will help to stay safe from many diseases that are caused because of strains. Being involved in the activities of social work and well-being can also help increase the lifespan of people. It is also stated that people who are suffering from heart problem start doing social work for helping others and get involved in the activities that make people happy. This thing reduced their chronic pain and problems they had to face before doing this. It can also help lessen the hyper tension and gain moderate blood pressure. People who have heart problems or suffer high blood pressure start doing social activities like helping others in need. In this way, they managed to keep their blood pressure at a moderate level. Serving others also makes our soul satisfied. We have a better image of our personality and a sense of pleasure and confidence by receiving appreciation from others. Serving helps to maintain positive behavior in our personality and eradicate negativities that also prove to be fruitful for our soul (Cui, 2018).

Some conflicting concepts are prevailing in the society according to which helping others is not always a good thing. These concepts state that we should not give anything to anyone. Sometimes people don't deserve or help. They deceive us by asking for help. When we offer our ideas and help them in doing their work, they steal our ideas and get all the credit. We should help those people who will also be ready to help us when we need their help. Selfish people don't deserve our help. Only those people who stay thankful for us should be offered help. People who don't praise and appreciate us after getting help should be given help (Stallen, 2017).

In this study, I have found that serving others has many benefits to our health and soul. The bible and real life support support this concept. Bible verses state that helping others is a way of the worship of God. We can make God happy by making his people happy. And the soul of a believer gets satisfied and happy with the willingness of God. Our main purpose of life is the worship of God. It also gives us a sense of happiness and confidence. Real life research also shows that it has many health benefits for people by reducing many diseases and problems. People can stay safe and secure. It increases the social circle of people so that they don't need to stay alone. Our soul gets happiness by helping others as this a way to make God happy.


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