Biophysics Assignment Help - Writing Service

Importance of Biophysics in Academic Curriculum

Today the society is facing a lot of biological as well as physical problems. There is a huge need for learning a discipline which combines biology and physics together. One such interdisciplinary field is Biophysics that combines the study of physics and biology to examine biological systems.

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary academic discipline which combines knowledge from various basic science courses, some of the important courses are biology, physics, chemistry and a bit of mathematics as well. This combination of courses is used to explore the biological structures. Recently, biophysics has become one of the fast-growing fields providing good employment. So, students should be given right opportunities to learn and gain knowledge in order to work at highest-ranking positions in academics as well as in industry.

The major objective of learning biophysics is to learn and apply the basics of physical science in the organics of any living creature. The study goes deep into the cellular level to recognize the functioning and operations of biological systems in a much better way. Some of the sub-courses that are recognized under biophysics discipline are cellular physiology, bioinformatics, molecular chemistry, and computational biology. Students within biophysics can also opt for specialization in molecular or quantum biophysics. Therefore, having a discipline in biophysics becomes very crucial in any academic curriculum. To know more about it let us understand the basic concept of biophysics in detail.

Basic concepts of Biophysics: Bio means life and physics is a branch of science concerned with physical phenomenon and properties of some living or non-living object. Combining the two words gave birth to a new discipline called as Biophysics. The study is usuallydestined for creating a bridge and relative study of biology using physics. Biology is considered to have the study of complex structures and processes whereas physics provides simplicity in solving problems using laws and principles. So, biophysics has to face the challenge of covering the space between the in the intricacy of life and the easiness of physical laws.

Biophysics is more of biology rather than of physics. It is a sub-discipline of biology that studies the physical principles underlying all the processes of the living system. Various levels of life are studied in biophysics; it covers study of cells, molecules and organisms. It answers some of the very basic concepts; some of those are described below.

  • Working of molecular protein machine: Protein machine is complex molecular machines which work on the principle of biophysics. Though protein machines are very tiny as compare to everyday machines they make use of energy to do some work. The discipline of biophysics clearly explains how the law of energy from physics helps in the working of these biological machines.
  • Communication between nerve cells in thebiological body: Scientist has discovered protein tags for various chemicals in different colors that are used by body cells. Every cellmatches the color tag and accepts the color accordingly.
  • Arrangements of atoms: Various chemical reactions that take place in theliving body are performed byprotein molecules. They are responsible for the movement of limbs. All our sensory organs are made up of protein, which supports them to sense the environment.These proteins transform the food that we consume into energy and light is transformed into vision. They also provide us with the immunity power against unwanted foreign bodies from our bodies.Protein is also responsible for any repair that is caused because of some broken cells and also to control its development. 

The work of biophysics scientist is to discover how proteins work. Researchers now a dayare becoming physicists to medical experts, and discover the internals of biological structures and figure out with normal health what functioning is performed by the biological machines and how it differs in case of any disease.

Deviations in proteins cause's people respond to drugs contrarily. A study of biophysics also opens up new opportunities in various medical fields like drugs, diagnosis, diseases etc. Very quickly medicineswill get personalized to single patient's tendency for lateralspecial effects.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CAT), Positron emission tomography (PET) and many others are the implications of biophysics.

Many scientists in the field of biophysics have discovered very useful appliancesfor spotting, cleansing, imaging, and operating chemicals and materials.

The importance of Biophysics in thecurrent context:

Today, society is fronting numerous physical and biological problems of within the universalscopes. Some of the questions are of aprime importance which demands a lot of research and study in the field of biophysics. Below are few serious problems which we need to control in near future.

  • Getting sufficient energy continuously.
  • Controlling the growing world's population and ways to continuously feed it.
  • Keeping a check on global warming.
  • Preservation of biological diversity.
  • Maintaining water resources.

These are few crunches that necessitate technical and systematic approach and inventions. Biophysics is that discipline which has thevision and information for solving these scientific challenges, grounded on the physics laws and the biological structure which is very complex in nature.

Biophysics provides innovations in finding out solutions for biofuel and bioelectricity. Here, biofuel means using gasoline in place of diesel and bioelectricity generating electricity from petroleum and coal. It also regulates the production of various natural resources like sunlight and water. In addition, to this it is also responsible for regulating the supply of oxygen, carbon content, nitrogen, heat in the universe.

            To summarize the topic, the biophysics discipline should be definitely incorporated in the academic curriculum because of some basic reasons-

1. It is a multi-disciplinary course which involves knowledge of all the core branches of science.

2. The human biological system is facing a lot of problems these days so inventions should be done in this field to understand the internals of complex biological structures.

3. Research in biophysics is essential because it will motivate research scholars to invent new solutions to the existing problems and also discover new instruments for deep analysis of any biological structure.

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